- Find the client ID of the embedded vRO within file: /etc/vco/app-server/sso.properties
- Copy the value for the property 'com.vmware.o11n.sso.oauth.client.id'
- Decrypt the value of 'com.vmware.o11n.sso.oauth.client.id'
/usr/lib/vco/tools/configuration-cli/bin/vro-configure.sh decrypt --value vcoencrypted:{riv}dX5Bw6UfnbG7bH83HtiJDmqMeSqFhzEv5YN+UPbaucE=
- Enable the vIDM GUI from an SSH to the vRealize Automation appliance
vcac-vami horizon ui enable
- Open a browser to the URL https://FQDN/SAAS/admin/
- Change the domain to "vsphere.local"
- Login with "administrator"
- Navigate to Catalog > Settings > Remote App Access
- Search for the client_id that starts with "vco" within Remote App Access list.
- Select the client_id that starts with "vco" and contains the value decrypted in step 3.
- Edit the Redirect URI to point to the network load balancing hostname.
- Save the configuration and exit the vIDM UI.
- Retest access to the embedded Orchestrator Web Client.