Patch for vRealize Automation Cloud Extensibility Proxy 10/2021
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Patch for vRealize Automation Cloud Extensibility Proxy 10/2021


Article ID: 325843


Updated On: 12-02-2021


VMware Aria Suite


This patch addresses critical issues in vRealize Automation Cloud Extensibility Proxy 10/2021 that may result in environment downtime.

The patch will perform the following steps for each node:

  1. Fix the upgrade progress monitor and patch installer
  2. Fix the service responsible for automatically cleaning up old files
  3. Trigger cleanup of the logs disk (Hard disk 3) by deleting oldest entries from /var/log/services-logs if the disk has less than 30% free space
  4. All nodes will be rebooted and all services will be redeployed.


This article contains a list of critical issues that are resolved in the latest patch available for vRealize Automation Cloud Extensibility Proxy 10/2021:

  1. System runs out of disk space on /var/log, proxy cannot run ABX actions, logs of services are lost
  2. Upgrade progress monitor might not detect if VAMI installation has exited abnormally, waits indefinitely
  3. Patch installer ignores RPM exclusion list, may affect installation of other patches
  4. Log bundle collector skips older infra logs and configuration files, might complicate troubleshooting.


This issue has been resolved in vRealize Automation Cloud Extensibility Proxy release 11/2021.



Download the ISO file titled Prelude_Extensibility_VA- from the Attachment(s) section of this article.


  1. Follow the upgrade steps found in Upgrading a cloud extensibility proxy
Note: The current version of the VA can be obtained by running the following command:
vracli version
This KB is applicable to Version - regardless of the date that is displayed in the version description.


Prelude_Extensibility_VA- get_app