Validating services and appliance health
- Command line:
docker ps
sh /data-collector-status --docker
sh /data-collector-status –traceroute
- Suggestions: sh /data-collector-status –traceroute indicates that a data collector is not able to access one of the URLs. Validate your internet connectivity and firewall configuration.
- You may also retrieve the proxy status from the UI by going to Assembler > Infrastructure > Connections > Cloud Proxy. Select your Cloud proxy, then select Status and then click on EXECUTE.
Validating Disk space
- Run the following command on the appliance when logged in with the root user through an SSH session: df -hi
- At least 20% of the available disk space is required on all partitions. If there are any partitions under 20%, find the files that are consuming the most space by running the following command:
find ID1 -size +100M -exec du -h {} \; | less
Note: Where ID1 is the name of the partition.
find / -size +100M -exec du -h {} \; | less
find /data1 -size +100M -exec du -h {} \; | less
find /boot -size +100M -exec du -h {} \; | less
find /dev -size +100M -exec du -h {} \; | less
Note: If there are old log bundles, database dumps, or *.hprof files consuming space, they can be safely deleted. The log bundles are usually located in /root/log-bundle-directory.
Validating DNS
- Run the following commands on the appliance:
nslookup $( ifconfig | grep -A 1 'eth0' | tail -1 | cut -d ':' -f 2 | cut -d ' ' -f 1)
nslookup $( uname -n)
Note: The DNS record must use Fully Qualified Domain Names (FQDNs), no short name. A single A record and a single PTR record is required.
- UI: You may restart the proxy from VMware Aria Automation Assembler UI, navigating to Assembler > Infrastructure > Connections > Cloud Proxy, select Reboot and then click on EXECUTE.
- vCenter Guest OS initiated shutdown: Login to vCenter and find the Cloud Proxy virtual machine. Right click on the VM and navigate to Actions > Power > Shut Down Guest OS.
Log bundle creation
sh /generate-log-bundle
Log Locations
Log Location
Proxy service
Registration Status
Orchestrator agent logs
ABX agent logs
Pipelines agent
Blueprint agent
CMX agent
SDDC agent
Migration agent
Updates / Upgrade
- Container images are updated automatically.
- You may check for a pending upgrade for the appliance by navigating to Assembly > Infrastructure > Connections > Cloud Proxies. Select Check for upgrades and then click on EXECUTE. If there is a pending upgrade the UI will provide you an option to upgrade the appliance.
Configure a web proxy
- Run the following command for additional information:
/configure-network-proxy --help
- If the web proxy is an SSL Proxy, you must add the root certificate of the SSL Proxy to the trust store of the Cloud Proxy.
/usr/java/jre-vmware/bin/keytool -import -trustcacerts -keystore /usr/java/jre-vmware/lib/security/cacerts -storepass changeit -alias <CERT_NAME_ALIAS> -import -file <Path to certificate> -noprompt
- Restart the proxy client:
systemctl restart rdc-proxy
Best practices
- VMware Virtual Appliances and customizations to operating system and included packages is not supported.
- Suppress the auto-update of Automation Orchestrator for VMware Aria Automation SaaS extensibility proxy.