Update or delete on table "vpx_entity" violates foreign key constraint "fk_vpx_enti_ref_vpx_enti" on table "vpx_entity"
Article ID: 325786
Updated On:
VMware vCenter Server
The following symptoms can be observed while deleting a Datacenter on vCenter.
Deleting a Datacenter crashes vCenter GUI.
VPXD crashes and vCenter has to be rebooted.
Deleting the entity from VCDB table 'vpx_entity' throws foreign key constraint 'fk_vpx_enti_ref_vpx_enti'.
VMware vCenter Server 7.0.x VMware vCenter Server 8.0.x
VCDB table 'vpx_entity' has foreign key constraint 'fk_vpx_enti_ref_vpx_enti'.
Take proper snapshot of the VC.
Backing up VCDB is also recommended.
Stop VPXDservice: service-control --stop vpxd
Connect to VCDB: /opt/vmware/vpostgres/current/bin/psql -d VCDB -U postgres
NOTE: Before altering the table confirm that the vpx_entity(id) referenced in vpxd.log correlates with the ID in the VCDB
select * from vpx_entity where name like '%Datacenter_Name%';
Alter table: ALTER TABLE vpx_entity DROP CONSTRAINT fk_vpx_enti_ref_vpx_enti, ADD CONSTRAINT fk_vpx_enti_ref_vpx_enti FOREIGN KEY (PARENT_ID) REFERENCES vpx_entity (id) ON DELETE CASCADE;
Delete the desired entity: DELETE FROM vpx_entity where id=<item_id>;