Cannot add/delete a NSX Manager CLI user
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Cannot add/delete a NSX Manager CLI user


Article ID: 325732


Updated On:


VMware NSX for vSphere


  • Unable to delete an existing NSX CLI user.

    nsx-mgr(config)# no user user1
    ERROR: Could not delete user: user1
  • Unable to add the NSX CLI user.

    nsx-mgr(config)# user user1 password plaintext abcd1234
    Failed to add user. Note: You cannot use this command to change the passwd of an existing user.
    ERROR: could not add user:user1


This issue occurs when the user is assigned with web-interface Privileges.


VMware NSX for vSphere 6.2.x
VMware NSX for vSphere 6.4.x
VMware NSX for vSphere 6.1.x
VMware NSX for vSphere 6.3.x


To resolve this:

  1. negate the privilege given to the user.

    nsx-mgr(config)# no user user1 privilege web-interface
  2. Delete the User.
    nsx-mgr(config)# no user user1
  3. Add the user with proper credentials.
    nsx-mgr(config)# user user1 password plaintext abcd1234
  4. If you are unable to view the NSX CLI user from NSX Manager > Manage > Users

    Run the POST API call to assign NSX Role to CLI user:

    URL: https://nsxm-ip/api/2.0/services/usermgmt/role/user1?isCli=true


    Note: Possible roles are super_user, vshield_admin, enterprise_admin, security_admin, and auditor.


For more information on the API, see NSX API guide:

NSX 6.2 API guide

NSX 6.3 API guide