Clear management-plane command is not working on nsxcli
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Clear management-plane command is not working on nsxcli


Article ID: 325718


Updated On: 03-05-2019


VMware NSX


The ESXi host nsxcli command "clear management-plane" fails with the error Terminated


VMware NSX-T Data Center 2.x
VMware NSX-T Data Center


This is a known issue in NSX-T 2.3.*.


The nsxcli command "clear management-plane" is deprecated, use "del nsx" instead from 2.4.0 onwards. The former command will still be present in 2.4.0 and will be fully removed in 2.4.1.

In 2.4.0, both "clear management-plane" and "del nsx" calls the same set of commands, Engineering has verified that both the commands work correctly in NSX-T 2.4.0.


In 2.3.*, work around the issue by:
1. From nsxcli :
set debug-mode
set service nsx-opsagent nsxa reset
   /etc/init.d/nsx-proxy restart
2. From root of the ESXi host (esxcli mode) run the following:
/opt/vmware/nsx-cli/bin/scripts/nsxcli -c 'set debug-mode; set nsx-proxy controllers file /etc/vmware/nsx/controller-info.xml'
3. From root of the ESXi host (esxcli mode) run the following command to remove NSX-T VIBs from the host:
esxcli software vib remove -n nsx-adf -n nsx-aggservice -n nsx-cli-libs -n nsx-common-libs -n nsx-context-mux -n nsx-esx-datapath -n nsx-exporter -n nsx-host -n nsx-metrics-libs -n nsx-mpa -n nsx-nestdb-libs -n nsx-nestdb -n nsx-netcpa -n nsx-opsagent -n nsx-platform-client -n nsx-profiling-libs -n nsx-proxy -n nsx-python-gevent -n nsx-python-greenlet -n nsx-python-logging -n nsx-python-protobuf -n nsx-rpc-libs -n nsx-sfhc -n nsx-shared-libs -n nsx-upm-libs -n nsx-vdpi -n nsxcli