"No suitable resources found" error while creating an affinity/anti-affinity rule in VMware Cloud Director 10.2.2/10.3.x
Article ID: 325638
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VMware Cloud Director
Creating anti-affinity rule in VMware Cloud Director 10.2.2, 10.3.x versions fails with
com.vmware.vcloud.api.presentation.service.InternalServerErrorException: The operation failed because no suitable resource was found. Out of 1 candidate hubs: 1 hubs eliminated because: No valid storage containers found for VirtualMachine "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx". 1 storage containers rejected because: They do not have enough IOPS capacity
Unable to create affinity/anti-affinity rule from VMware Cloud director.
VMware Cloud director Storage Policy has 'vSphere/IOPS' capability enabled.
VMware Cloud Director 10.x
This issue is caused when Cloud Director is validating the IOPS values for vSphere/IOPS enabled storage policies while creating affinity rules. Cloud director should only carry out IOPS validation if Cloud Director IOPS is enabled on the storage policies.
This is a known issue affecting VMware Cloud Director 10.2.2 and 10.3.x version(s). This issue is resolved in VMware Cloud Director 10.4 and VMware Cloud Director 10.3.3, available at Broadcom Downloads.