"Unable to upgrade the database: org.postgresql.util.PSQLException: ERROR: column "org_member_id" of relation "user_session" contains null values" when upgrading VMware Cloud Director
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"Unable to upgrade the database: org.postgresql.util.PSQLException: ERROR: column "org_member_id" of relation "user_session" contains null values" when upgrading VMware Cloud Director


Article ID: 325617


Updated On:


VMware Cloud Director


  • Upgrading Cloud Director fails at the database upgrade phase.
  • When running the Database upgrade command, /opt/vmware/vcloud-director/bin/upgrade, the following error is displayed:

Examining database at URL: jdbc:postgresql://xx.xx.xx.xx:xxx/vcloud?socketTimeout=90&ssl=true
The next step in the upgrade process will change the VMware Cloud Director database schema.
Backup your database now using the tools provided by your database vendor.
Enter [Y] after the backup is complete. y
Unable to upgrade the database: org.postgresql.util.PSQLException: ERROR: column "org_member_id" of relation "user_session" contains null values


VMware Cloud Director 10.x
VMware Cloud Director for Service Provider 10.x


This issue occurs because of stale User entries in the user_session table in the Cloud Director database.


To resolve this issue, please open a Support Request.

Database modifications are required to remove the stale entries blocking the Cloud Director database upgrade which will require VMware Technical Support assistance.

Additional Information


WARNING: A backup of the Cloud Director database must be taken before attempting to make any changes to it directly. Changes to the Cloud Director database are only supported when done with the assistance of VMware Technical Support.