Auto generate password option in VM Guest OS Customization settings remains Enabled in the Cloud Director Tenant Portal
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Auto generate password option in VM Guest OS Customization settings remains Enabled in the Cloud Director Tenant Portal


Article ID: 325604


Updated On:


VMware Cloud Director


  • After disabling the Auto generate password option in a VM's Guest OS Customization settings, this setting still remains Enabled in the Cloud Director Tenant Portal.
  • Unchecking Auto generate password, Require Administrator to change password on first login, Allow local administrator password, and clicking Save does not change Auto generate password to Disabled.
  • The Cloud Director API returns <AdminPasswordAuto>true</AdminPasswordAuto> for a VM's GuestCustomizationSection even after disabling this option.
  • The Specify password field in a VM's Guest OS Customization settings is empty.


VMware Cloud Director for Service Provider 10.x


This is a known issue where the Cloud Director API will return Auto generate password as Enabled even when the Allow local administrator password option is Disabled.


This is a known issue in VMware Cloud Director.


This cosmetic issue can be ignored as per the Impact section above.

To workaround the issue the Specify password field in a VM's Guest OS Customization settings can be populated with a value.

When the Auto generate password, Require Administrator to change password on first login, Allow local administrator password are then Disabled the Auto generate password option will no longer show as Enabled.

WARNING: If the Specify password field is populated and Allow local administrator password is Enabled then Cloud Director will attempt to apply this password to the VM.


Additional Information

This is a cosmetic bug in the UI only and Cloud Director will not apply Auto generate password during the VM guest customization process as long as the Allow local administrator password option is Disabled.