Uploading to VMware vCloud Director 5.5 catalog from all clients through the web interface fails with the error: cURL error: Send failed since rewinding of the data stream failed
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Uploading to VMware vCloud Director 5.5 catalog from all clients through the web interface fails with the error: cURL error: Send failed since rewinding of the data stream failed


Article ID: 325580


Updated On:


VMware Cloud Director


  • Cannot upload to VMware vCloud Director (vCD) catalog from all clients through the web interface
  • Uploading to a vCloud Director (vCD) catalog fails
  • You see the error:

    cURL error: Send failed since rewinding of the data stream failed
  • In the OVF Tool.log file located at %TEMP%\vmware-cs-plugin\plugin-ovftool-pid.log on the client performing the upload:

    <?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />[13828 verbose 'Default'] vCloud request:
    --> http://<VCD_URL>/api/catalog/<CATALOG_UUID>/action/upload


VMware Cloud Director 5.5.x


This issue is occurs if the vCloud Director (vCD) public REST API base URL is set to HTTP, instead of HTTPS.


To resolve this issue, change the vCloud Director (vCD) public REST API base URL to use HTTPS instead of HTTP.

To change the vCloud Director (vCD) public REST API base URL to use HTTPS instead of HTTP:
  1. Log in to vCloud Director (vCD) as an administrator.
  2. Click Administration.
  3. Click Public Addresses.
  4. Change the VCD public URL to use https.

    For Example:

  5. Click Apply.