Changing storage policy for a vCloud virtual machine fails with error: The operation failed because no suitable resource was found. DATASTORENAME
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Changing storage policy for a vCloud virtual machine fails with error: The operation failed because no suitable resource was found. DATASTORENAME


Article ID: 325578


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VMware Cloud Director


  • Cannot change storage policy for a virtual machine in VMware vCloud Director 
  • You cannot change the storage policy/datastore from the Properties of the virtual machine (right click and select Properties).
  • Changing storage policy/datastore for a vCloud virtual machine fails

    The operation failed because no suitable resource was found. <DATASTORE_NAME>
  • In the debug.log file, located at /opt/vmware/vcloud-director/logs in vCloud Director, you see entries similar to:

10:56:46,677 | DEBUG | backend-activity-pool-1118 | ResourcePoolPlacementHubFinder | Rejecting hub moref://<HUB_UUID>/ResourcePool#resgroup-123 because it doesn't have enough '<SP_NAME>' storage: requested - 768,000 MB, available - -355,565 MB | vcd=<VCD_UUID>,task=<TASK_UUID> activity=urn:uuid:<TASK_UUID>
2014-12-03 10:56:46,677 | DEBUG | backend-activity-pool-1118 | PlacementSolverImpl | Remaining hubs after running finder StorageFabricPlacementHubFinder are [] | vcd=<VCD_UUID>,task=<TASK_UUID> activity=urn:uuid:<TASK_UUID>
2014-12-03 10:56:46,677 | ERROR | backend-activity-pool-1118 | PlacementSolverImpl | Couldn't find a hub for subject PlacementSubjectData [id=moref://<SUBJECT_UUID>/VirtualMachine#vm-123, requirements=[CpuMHzMin:0, mandatory:true, checkMinHostCapacity:true, CpuMHzConfig:8000, mandatory:true, checkMinHostCapacity:true, CpuMHzLimit:8000, mandatory:true, checkMinHostCapacity:true, MemoryMBMin:16384, mandatory:true, checkMinHostCapacity:true, MemoryMBConfig:32768, mandatory:true, checkMinHostCapacity:true, MemoryMBLimit:32768, mandatory:true, checkMinHostCapacity:true, NumCpu:4, mandatory:true, checkMinHostCapacity:false, VrpId:urn:uuid:<VRP_UUID>, StorageTier:0, mandatory:true, checkMinHostCapacity:false, existingCapacity: 768000, profile: <SP_NAME>,Network:urn:uuid:<NETWORK_UUID>, mandatory:true, NetworkPool:urn:uuid:<NP_UUID>, mandatory:false, DatastoreAffinity:moref://<AFFINITY_UUID>/Datastore#datastore-123, affinity type:WEAK_AFFINITY, HardwareVersion:vmx-08]], amongst hubs [moref://<HUB_UUID>/ResourcePool#resgroup-123] | vcd=<VCD_UUID>,task=<TASK_UUID> activity=urn:uuid:<TASK_UUID>

Note: The symptoms are visible even though these criteria has been met:

  • There is plenty of space in the datastore to deploy the virtual machine.


VMware Cloud Director 5.5.x


This issue occurs if the low disk space thresholds are not correct for a datastore and also, if the low disk space thresholds (RED) value is higher than the total free space available.

For example: You see this problem if low disk space thresholds is set to 500 GB but the over all free space on the datastore is 350 GB.


To resolve this issue, change low disk space threshold to lesser value than the free space available on the datastore.
  1. Click the Manage & Monitor tab and click Provider VDCs in the left pane.
  2. Right-click the Provider Virtual Datacenter name and select Open.
  3. Click the Datastores tab.
  4. Right-click the datastore name and select Properties.
  5. Set Red threshold to a value lesser than the total free space.
  6. Click OK.

Additional Information

For more information, refer to the Configure Low Disk Space Thresholds for a Provider Virtual Datacenter Datastore section of the vCloud Director Administration Guide.