"Resultant metadata information for Entity <VDC NAME>(com.vmware.vcloud.entity.vdc:<VDC ID>) exceeds number of bytes allowed" error during an NSX-V to NSX-T migration with VMware NSX Migration for VMware Cloud Director
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"Resultant metadata information for Entity <VDC NAME>(com.vmware.vcloud.entity.vdc:<VDC ID>) exceeds number of bytes allowed" error during an NSX-V to NSX-T migration with VMware NSX Migration for VMware Cloud Director


Article ID: 325577


Updated On:


VMware Cloud Director


  • During migration the following error is seen in the VMware NSX Migration for VMware Cloud Director logs, <INSTALL_DIR>\logs\<VCD_URL>\Migration\<ORG_NAME>-VCD-NSX-Migrator-Main-DD-MM-YYYY-HH-MM-SS.log:
Task metadataUpdate is in Error state - Resultant metadata information for Entity <VDC NAME>(com.vmware.vcloud.entity.vdc:<VDC ID>) exceeds number of bytes allowed. Old byte size = XXX, New byte size = XXX (> Max allowed: 131,072).


VMware Cloud Director 10.x


By default Cloud Director will only allow a maximum of 128,000 bytes for metadata. This issue occurs if the VMware NSX Migration for VMware Cloud Director attempts to add metadata to an object in Cloud Director which exceeds this default limit.


The default metadata bytes allowed can be adjusted using the Cloud Director cell-management-tool.

If VMware NSX Migration for VMware Cloud Director encounters this error the following commands can be used to increase the metadata limits:

/opt/vmware/vcloud-director/bin/cell-management-tool manage-config -n com.vmware.vcloud.metadata.impl.config.VCENTER.maxBytesPerEntity -v <Desired Byte Size>

/opt/vmware/vcloud-director/bin/cell-management-tool manage-config -n com.vmware.vcloud.metadata.impl.config.SYSTEM.maxBytesPerEntity -v <Desired Byte Size>

/opt/vmware/vcloud-director/bin/cell-management-tool manage-config -n com.vmware.vcloud.metadata.impl.config.GENERAL.maxBytesPerEntity -v <Desired Byte Size>

Example steps would be as follows:

  1. SSH to one of the Cloud Director Cells in the Cloud Director cluster as root.
  2. Run the cell-management-tool commands to set new metadata limits greater than the default, for example we could increase from the default of 128,000 bytes to 170,000 bytes by running the following three commands:
/opt/vmware/vcloud-director/bin/cell-management-tool manage-config -n com.vmware.vcloud.metadata.impl.config.VCENTER.maxBytesPerEntity -v 170000

/opt/vmware/vcloud-director/bin/cell-management-tool manage-config -n com.vmware.vcloud.metadata.impl.config.SYSTEM.maxBytesPerEntity -v 170000

/opt/vmware/vcloud-director/bin/cell-management-tool manage-config -n com.vmware.vcloud.metadata.impl.config.GENERAL.maxBytesPerEntity -v 170000
  1. Retry the migration from VMware NSX Migration for VMware Cloud Director.

After a successful migration the cell-management-tool can be used to reset the metadata limits to the default again by running the following three commands:

/opt/vmware/vcloud-director/bin/cell-management-tool manage-config -n com.vmware.vcloud.metadata.impl.config.VCENTER.maxBytesPerEntity -d

/opt/vmware/vcloud-director/bin/cell-management-tool manage-config -n com.vmware.vcloud.metadata.impl.config.SYSTEM.maxBytesPerEntity -d

/opt/vmware/vcloud-director/bin/cell-management-tool manage-config -n com.vmware.vcloud.metadata.impl.config.GENERAL.maxBytesPerEntity -d

Additional Information

For more information on using the cell-management-tool to change settings in Cloud Director see, Updating Application Configuration Settings in VMware Cloud Director.