"alp connect" command fails to connect to Cloud Director during installation of Cloud Director App Launchpad
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"alp connect" command fails to connect to Cloud Director during installation of Cloud Director App Launchpad


Article ID: 325566


Updated On:


VMware Cloud Director


  • Attempting to install Cloud Director App Launchpad and using the alp connect command to connect it to the Cloud Director instance.
  • No configuration details are shown when running the alp show command to verify the App Launchpad configuration similar to the examples below:
root@alp [ ~ ]# alp show

                   Cloud Director Setting for App Launchpad
|            Cloud Director URL |                                               |
| App Launchpad Service Account |                                               |
|                     AMQP Host |                                               |
|                     AMQP Port |                                               |
|                 AMQP Username |                                               |
|                 AMQP Exchange |                                               |
|              AMQP Routing Key |                                               |
|                    AMQP Queue |                                               |
|                    AMQP vHost |                                               |
|                   AMQP Prefix |                                               |
|                  AMQP Use SSL |                                               |
|           AMQP Accept All SSL |                                               |
|  App Launchpad extension UUID |                                               |


                   Cloud Director Setting for App Launchpad
|            Cloud Director URL |                                               |
| App Launchpad Service Account |                                               |
|                  MQTT Triplet |                                               |
|                    MQTT Token |                                               |
|         MQTT Topic of Monitor |                                               |
|        MQTT Topic of Response |                                               |
|  App Launchpad extension UUID |                                               |
  • The alp-cli.log file on the App Launchpad server shows errors logging in to the Cloud Director similar to the following:
NewVCDSession, sending request","error":"Post \"https://<VCD_PUBLIC_URL>/cloudapi/1.0.0/sessions/provider\": EOF
  • Attempting to reach the Provider login endpoint of the Cloud Director API from the App Launchpad fails. For example attempting the log in with Curl:
curl -k -v --location --request POST 'https://<VCD_PUBLIC_URL>/cloudapi/1.0.0/sessions/provider' \
--header 'Accept: application/json;version=<VCD_API_VERSION>' \
--header 'Authorization: Basic <BASE64_ENCODED_CREDENTIALS>'
  • Attempting to reach other endpoints of the Cloud Director API from the App Launchpad succeeds. For example attempting to check the API versions of Cloud Director with Curl:
curl -k -v --location --request GET 'https://<VCD_PUBLIC_URL>/api/versions'
  • Attempting to reach the Provider login endpoint of the Cloud Director API from the App Launchpad succeeds when using the IP of a Cloud Director Cell directly and NOT the Cloud Director Public Address. For example attempting the log in with Curl:
curl -k -v --location --request POST 'https://<VCD_CELL_IP>/cloudapi/1.0.0/sessions/provider' \
--header 'Accept: application/json;version=<VCD_API_VERSION>' \
--header 'Authorization: Basic <BASE64_ENCODED_CREDENTIALS>'


VMware Cloud Director 10.x


Cloud Director App Launchpad requires access to the Cloud Director API in order to log in as a System level user as per Cloud Director App Launchpad Product Documentation, Network Requirements.

This includes access to the Provider login endpoint of the Cloud Director API at https://<VCD_PUBLIC_URL>/cloudapi/1.0.0/sessions/provider.


If there is a load balancer in front of the Cloud Director Cells serving the Cloud Director public address it must allow the App Launchpad server access to the Provider login endpoint of the Cloud Director API.

Ensure there are no settings on the load balancer which would block access to the Provider endpoints.
If there is an NSX Advanced Load Balancer used to load balance the Cloud Director Cells ensure that there are no Virtual Service Policies which would restrict access as per NSX Advanced Load Balancer Configuration Guide, Virtual Service Policies.
For example it may be necessary to add the App Launchpad server address to the list of Client IP entries excluded from blocking rules or included in allow rules.

Additional Information

For more information review the Cloud Director App Launchpad Product Documentation.
For more information on load balancing Cloud Director using NSX Advanced Load Balancer see Load Balancing VMware Cloud Director Cells with VMware NSX Advanced Load Balancer.