Named Disks using a Shared Controller fail to connect to a particular bus:unit combination even though the slot is available
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Named Disks using a Shared Controller fail to connect to a particular bus:unit combination even though the slot is available


Article ID: 325537


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VMware Cloud Director


  • Named Disks using a Shared Controller fail to connect to a particular bus:unit combination even though the slot is available
  • (bus:unit) is not available error message is observed when connecting a Named Disk


VMware Cloud Director 10.x


This issue occurs only with powered on VMs.
When the Named Disk is first mounted a chosen bus:unit is decided upon.
This same bus:unit value is then used for all subsequent VMs, meaning if a VM does not have this slot free, the mounting will fail.

You will also see the above error if the slot is free for the VM, but the Controller is not shared.


This is a Known Issue affecting Cloud Director 10.3.

  1. Change the bus:unit number, on the existing attached VMs.
    1. Detach the disk from the VM.
    2. Attach the disk specifying the required bus:unit slot.
  2. Recreate the Controller
    1. Remove all the disks on the bus which shared disk is currently using.
    2. Power-off the VM, if it is powered-on.
    3. Attach the shared disk again.