To remove the AMQP Broker settings use the Cloud Director API.
By setting a blank hostname and setting the additional properties to their default values Cloud Director will no longer utilise the AMQP Broker.
To achieve this, run a 'PUT' method to the
/admin/extension/settings/amqp API which is detailed in the Cloud Director API documentation here,
VMware Cloud Director API - PUT /admin/extension/settings/amqp.
For example:
Accept: application/*+json;version=38.0
Authorization: Bearer …
Content-Type: application/*+json
"type": "application/vnd.vmware.admin.amqpSettings+json",
"amqpHost": "",
"amqpPort": 5671,
"amqpUsername": "vcd",
"amqpPassword": null,
"amqpExchange": "vcdExchange",
"amqpVHost": "/",
"amqpUseSSL": true,
"amqpPrefix": "vcd",
"vCloudExtension": []