Not all Worker Nodes serving ingress traffic in cluster deployed by Cloud Director Container Service Extension
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Not all Worker Nodes serving ingress traffic in cluster deployed by Cloud Director Container Service Extension


Article ID: 325515


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VMware Cloud Director


  • Not all worker nodes serve ingress traffic in Tanzu Kubernetes Grid cluster deployed by Cloud Director Container Service Extension.
  • The Kubernetes Service has externalTrafficPolicy=Local set.
  • Testing the nodePort on each of the worker nodes will show that only some of them serve traffic, only the nodes on which the service pods actually run.
  • Testing the Load Balancer External IP of the service will intermittently fail when the NSX Advanced Load Balancer forwards the request to a node where the pod of the service does not run.


VMware Cloud Director 10.x


Cloud Provider Interface (CPI) version 1.3.x and earlier does not support externalTrafficPolicy=Local, it only supports externalTrafficPolicy=Cluster.
These symptoms will occur if the Kubernetes Service in question has externalTrafficPolicy=Local set.


To resolve this issue change the externalTrafficPolicy option of the Kubernetes Service from externalTrafficPolicy=Local to externalTrafficPolicy=Cluster.

For example the current service configuration could be viewed with a command like the following:

kubectl get svc -n <namespace of service> <name of service> -oyaml

The service configuration could then be changed using a command such like following:

kubectl edit svc -n <namespace of service> <name of service>