Edge Gateway's Rate Limits settings mismatched between the vCloud Director HTML5 UI and Flash UI.
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Edge Gateway's Rate Limits settings mismatched between the vCloud Director HTML5 UI and Flash UI.


Article ID: 325473


Updated On:


VMware Cloud Director


  • There is a mismatch on an Edge Gateway's Rate Limits toggled status of Enabled or Disabled between the Flash UI and the HTML5 UI.
  • The vCloud Director API returns the correct value for the Edge Gateway's Rate Limits.


    This issue is caused by a limitation in the vCloud Director HTML5 UI.


    This issue is resolved in vCloud Director 10.0, available at VMware Downloads.

    To workaround the issue use the Flash UI to review the correct toggled status of the Edge Rate limits:
    1. Navigate to the Organizations Flash UI endpoint, for example:
    1. Select Administration > Cloud Resources > Virtual Datacenters and open the Organization VDC where the Edge Gateway is located. 
    2. Select the Edge Gateways tab for this Organization VDC.
    3. Right click on the Edge Gateway and select Properties.
    4. Select the Configure Rate Limits tab in the Edge Gateway properties to confirm the status of Rate Limits settings.