Telco Cloud Automation (TCA) systems configured in an Internet-restricted or air-gapped environment it is necessary to update the Photon linux-rt kernel versions. These kernel updates address requirements such as enabling kernel config options or additional kernel modules to support partner workloads and bug fixes to resolve issues reported by a partner.
These kernel versions are released by the Photon OS team; TCA needs to allow them, while customizing a node for Network Function onboarding.
Note: Ensure the TCA system has been enabled with the required Photon-RT kernel versions following the steps in: Enabling Additional Photon-RT Kernel Versions
If the DPDK image is not currently stored on the airg-apped server, it needs to sync the image before attempting the steps in Enabling Additional Photon-RT Kernel Versions
docker pull
docker tag airgapFQDN:8043/registry/dpdk:imageTag
docker push airgappedFQDN:8043/registry/dpdk:imageTag
docker rmi airgappedFQDN:8043/registry/dpdk:imageTag
Note: Replace imageTag and airgappedFQDN with a valid kernel version imageTag name as well as the actual FQDN for the airg-apped server.
Next, execute the following commands from the air-gapped server's SSH session, to resync the air-gapped server to the remote repo:
tdnf reposync -v --download-metadata --disablerepo=* --enablerepo=photon-updates --delete --download-path /photon-reps/updates 2>&1
tdnf reposync -v --download-metadata --disablerepo=* --enablerepo=photon-telco-updates --delete --download-path /photon-reps/updates 2>&1
chown -R nobody:nogroup /photon-reps
Then, execute the following commands from any Kubernetes node, including a worker node:
tdnf makecache
docker save > dpdk:linux-rt-4.19.198-18.ph3.tar.gz
du -h
# docker image list | grep -i 198-13 linux-rt-4.19.198-18.ph3 51c872b55e0e 3 weeks ago 7.76MB linux-rt-4.19.198-18.ph3 51c872b55e0e 3 weeks ago 7.76MB # docker save -o /root/dpdk:linux-rt-4.19.198-18.ph3.tar.gz
Download and copy the following driver sub-packages required by Photon kernel (ice and iavf are required for 198-18 and later):
docker load < dpdk:linux-rt-4.19.198-18.ph3.tar.gz docker image list | grep 198.* docker tag tca-ag.telcocloud.local:8043/registry/dpdk:linux-rt-4.19.198-18.ph3Ensure that the newly added image is tagged with the air-gapped server's FQDN:
docker image list | grep 198.* docker push tca-ag.telcocloud.local:8043/registry/dpdk:linux-rt-4.19.198-18.ph3
createrepo -po /photon-reps/updates/photon-telco-updates /photon-reps/updates/photon-telco-updates/ createrepo -po /photon-reps/updates/photon-updates /photon-reps/updates/photon-updatesEnsure the permission for all folders under photon-telco-updates (eg. repodata, x86_64) are set to ownership nobody:nogroup:
chown -R nobody:nogroup /photon-reps/updates/photon-telco-updatesDo the same for all folders under photon-updates:
chown -R nobody:nogroup /photon-reps/updates/photon-updates
tdnf makecacheNote: If any issue is observed in the output, please run the previous two chown commands again from the air-gapped server, then re-execute this command from the Kubernetes worker node.
sudo tdnf list linux-rt | grep 4.19.198-18