This procedure will disable the full resync option in Telco Cloud Automation (TCA) Infrastructure Automation to prevent a resync operation on a fully provisioned cell site group.
Resolved in Telco Cloud Automation 2.1.
Apply the patch on the TCA manager to prevent this problem from occurring using the following procedure.
1. Create a Snapshot of the TCA Manager.
2. Download the attached vmware-tcf-manager_patch_1.0.tar.gz patch file:
3. SSH into the TCA Manager as admin.
4. Back up the folder “/opt/vmware/tcf” in tcf-manager container:
5. Issue the following command:
docker exec -u root -it tcf-manager /bin/bash
6. Change directory to /opt/vmware/
cd /opt/vmware/
7. Backup the tcf folder.
cp -R tcf tcf.bak
8. Copy the backup tcf to /home/admin.
scp -r tcf.bak admin@<TCA-manager>:/home/admin
9. Exit from the container and change directory to /home/admin
10. Change ownership on the file.
chown admin:admin tcf.bak
11. Switch user to root and perform the following steps:
su root
systemctl stop tcf-manager
docker rm tcf-manager
docker image rm vmware-tcf-manager
12. Change directory and issue the following command:
cd /common/tca-repository/tcf-manager
curl -ko tcf-manager.tar.gz <path to the patch file>
13. Restart the following services:
systemctl restart tcf-manager-deploy
systemctl start tcf-manager
Post Processing:
After applying the patch, the service account information for the pre-deployed CDC/RDC in TCA Automated Infrastructure reverts to administrator. If something other than the administrator SSO user was used for the service account, then the procedure outlined below is required to be followed to restore the configuration.
Both the Service Account username and password will need to be updated in the tcf-manager. Note: If the administrator SSO user was used these steps are not required.
To update the Service Account username, follow this procedure:
1. Run the following command:
docker exec -it tcf-manager /bin/bash
2. Change directory to /opt/vmare/tcf/rest_api/ and backup the file
3. Edit and update the username in line number 38
vc_sso_username = parser.getVcSsoUsername(central_site_mgmt_domain)
vc_sso_username = “username”
To update the Service Account Password follow this procedure:
1. Change directory to /opt/vmware/tcf/ and backup the file
2. Edit and go to line number 1167 to update the password:
post_body = {"username": self.username, "password": self.password}
post_body = {"username": self.username, "password": “password” }
3. Issue the following command:
docker restart tcf-manager