Tuned daemon fails to start after VM reboot
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Tuned daemon fails to start after VM reboot


Article ID: 325395


Updated On:


VMware Telco Cloud Automation VMware Telco Cloud Platform RAN


This KB article aims to offer a workaround solution for resolving the issue of tuned failing to start.

Occasionally, following a virtual machine reboot, an error message may appear on the VM console indicating that the tuned daemon failed to start. Upon user login to the VM and execution of commands such as "tuned-adm active" or "systemctl status tuned," it becomes evident that the tuned service did not successfully start. This issue has the potential to result in performance deterioration.


3.0, 3.1



The workaround is to update the customer CSAR to restart the tuned service.

  1. Create a text file tuned-restart.conf with the following contents:
    ExecStartPre=/bin/sleep 60
  2. In the TCA UI, select the CSAR to edit (Catalog --> Network Function, choose the CNF, click the "..." and select Edit)
  3. In the Network Function Designer, choose Resources, open Artifacts --> scripts, click "+" and upload tuned-restart.conf file.

  4. In the Network Function Designer, choose Infrastructure Requirements, open Files, choose the newly added ../Artifacts/scripts/tuned-restart.conf to Path /etc/systemd/system/tuned.service.d/tuned-restart.conf.
  5. Click "SAVE” at the bottom, followed by "UPDATE PACKAGE" or "SAVE NEW”

  6. Use the updated CSAR to instantiate the CNF.



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