There is an issue which causes a port group reconfigure action to be triggered when cell site hosts are picked up for provisioning in a domain. When this reconfigure action is triggered, if there are any disconnected or unreachable hosts attached to the VDS then the reconfigure fails, thereby failing the provisioning of the hosts that were picked up and they are marked as FAILED.
This issue mainly happens if any of the port groups have vmnics that are marked to be set as unused uplinks.
Failed to reconfigure the vds: hostname reason: (vim.fault.DvsOperationBulkFault) { dynamicType = <unset>, dynamicProperty = (vmodl.DynamicProperty) [], msg = 'Cannot complete a vSphere Distributed Switch operation for one or more host members.', faultCause = <unset>, faultMessage = (vmodl.LocalizableMessage) [], hostFault = (vim.fault.DvsOperationBulkFault.FaultOnHost)
Resolved in TCA and 3.1.
This issue can be worked around using one of the two procedures listed in this article. Both procedures have been documented below so select the one that is more appropriate for your environment.
If the unreachable or disconnected hosts are removed from the relevant VDS containing the port groups that have unused uplinks, then provisioning of new hosts in this cell site group will succeed and any hosts previously failed due to this reason can be provisioned successfully after a resync.
The second workaround involves disabling the trigger to the port group reconfigure action i.e., disable functionality to allow changing of VLAN ID, Mac Learning Enablement, Uplink Port Order after the host provisioning has been done for a given VDS and port group combination in a cell site group.
However, because the functionality is being disabled, it means that even if a user changes the configuration in the cell site group and resyncs any existing hosts or adds new hosts, the port group configuration change is not performed. Therefore, any of these types of changes must be done manually in the relevant vCenter.
docker exec -it tcf-manager bash
cp vcapi.py_bak
def create_or_modify_portgroup(
self, pg_name: str, vlan_id: int, mac_learning_enabled: bool,
uplink_port_order: UplinkPortOrder) -> Optional[vim.dvs.DistributedVirtualPortgroup]:
This method creates the specified port group if it is not present.
If it is already present, then it is modified according to the specified configuration.
@param pg_name: The name of the port group to be created/modified.
@param vlan_id: The value for VLAN. If 0 is specified, then it means no VLAN.
@param mac_learning_enabled: Whether to enabled mac learning or not.
@param uplink_port_order: The grouping and ordering of the uplinks.
@return The process port group
@rtype Optional[vim.dvs.DistributedVirtualPortgroup]
pg = self.get_portgroup(pg_name)
if pg:
# PG already exists, so check if its current configuration is same as desired configuration
existing_pg_spec = self.__compute_comparison_spec_from_pg(pg)
desired_pg_spec = self.__compute_comparison_spec(vlan_id, mac_learning_enabled, uplink_port_order)
# Complex Named Tuples can still be directly compared for equality
if existing_pg_spec == desired_pg_spec:
# Current config and desired config are same, so return existing PG object/instance
return pg
# Current and desired config are different, so reconfigure the PG
new_spec = self.__compute_reconfigure_portgroup_spec(
pg_name, pg.config.configVersion, vlan_id, mac_learning_enabled, uplink_port_order)
self.__reconfigure_portgroup(pg, new_spec)
# PG doesn't exist, so create it
pg_spec = self.create_port_group_spec(pg_name, vlan_id, mac_learning_enabled, uplink_port_order)
return self.get_portgroup(pg_name)
return pg
def create_or_modify_portgroup(
self, pg_name: str, vlan_id: int, mac_learning_enabled: bool,
uplink_port_order: UplinkPortOrder) -> Optional[vim.dvs.DistributedVirtualPortgroup]:
This method creates the specified port group if it is not present.
If it is already present, then it is modified according to the specified configuration.
@param pg_name: The name of the port group to be created/modified.
@param vlan_id: The value for VLAN. If 0 is specified, then it means no VLAN.
@param mac_learning_enabled: Whether to enabled mac learning or not.
@param uplink_port_order: The grouping and ordering of the uplinks.
@return The process port group
@rtype Optional[vim.dvs.DistributedVirtualPortgroup]
pg = self.get_portgroup(pg_name)
if pg:
return pg
# PG already exists, so check if its current configuration is same as desired configuration
existing_pg_spec = self.__compute_comparison_spec_from_pg(pg)
desired_pg_spec = self.__compute_comparison_spec(vlan_id, mac_learning_enabled, uplink_port_order)
# Complex Named Tuples can still be directly compared for equality
if existing_pg_spec == desired_pg_spec:
# Current config and desired config are same, so return existing PG object/instance
return pg
# Current and desired config are different, so reconfigure the PG
new_spec = self.__compute_reconfigure_portgroup_spec(
pg_name, pg.config.configVersion, vlan_id, mac_learning_enabled, uplink_port_order)
self.__reconfigure_portgroup(pg, new_spec)
# PG doesn't exist, so create it
pg_spec = self.create_port_group_spec(pg_name, vlan_id, mac_learning_enabled, uplink_port_order)
return self.get_portgroup(pg_name)
Note: Formatting is extremely important. Ensure the modified script looks exactly as it does in the example above.
systemctl stop tcf-manager
systemctl restart tcf-manager-deploy
systemctl start tcf-manager
docker ps -a
In the event a syntax error is introduced to the file, the tcf-manager container will fail to start.
vi `docker inspect tcf-manager | grep MergedDir | cut -d "\"" -f 4 | sed 's/merged$/diff\/opt\/vmware\/tcf\/'`