Usage on /common directory reaches 100%
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Usage on /common directory reaches 100%


Article ID: 325383


Updated On:


VMware Telco Cloud Automation


This article will guide you through cleaning up the /common directory on the TCA-CP appliance.

TCA services will stop running or enter an unresponsive state if the /common directory reaches 100% usage (Use%).




The postgres: autovacuum launcher process on the TCA-CP is unable to run when the /common directory reaches 100% usage. 


Addressed in TCA 3.0


  1. SSH to the TCA-CP as the admin user and switch to the root user:
  2. Stop the TCA services in the following order:
    systemctl stop app-engine
    systemctl stop web-engine
    systemctl stop appliance-management
    systemctl stop kafka
    systemctl stop zookeeper
  3. Use the following commands to create a /temp directory and move the tca-repository directory:
    mkdir /temp
    mv /common/tca-repository/ /temp

    Note: Do not delete these files as will be utilizing them in a step 14.
  4. Restart the Postgres service with the following command:
    systemctl restart postgres
  5. Verify the postgres: autovacuum launcher process is running:
    ps -ef | grep vacuum
  6. Connect to the Postgres database:
  7. Identify the tables with the largest total_database_size by running the following query:
    select current_database() as database,
    pg_size_pretty(total_database_size) as total_database_size,
    pg_size_pretty(total_table_size) as pretty_total_table_size,
    pg_size_pretty(table_size) as pretty_table_size,
    pg_size_pretty(index_size) as pretty_index_size
    from ( select table_name,
    table_schema as schema_name,
    pg_database_size(current_database()) as total_database_size,
    pg_total_relation_size(quote_ident(table_name)) as total_table_size,
    pg_relation_size(quote_ident(table_name)) as table_size,
    pg_indexes_size(quote_ident(table_name)) as index_size
    from information_schema.tables
    where table_schema=current_schema()
    order by total_table_size
    ) as sizes
    ORDER BY total_table_size desc, table_size desc, index_size desc;
  8. Run the following command to perform a vacuum on at least the largest three tables using their table_name:
    VACUUM FULL "table_name";
  9. Exit the Postgres database:
  10. Verify the postgres: autovacuum launcher process is running:
    ps -ef | grep vacuum
    Note: If postgres: autovacuum launcher is not displayed, restart the Postgres service:
    systemctl restart postgres
  11. Restore the tca-repository directory from /temp:
    mv /temp/tca-repository /common
  12. Restart the TCA services in the following order:
    systemctl start zookeeper
    systemctl start kafka

    systemctl start app-engine
    systemctl start web-engine
    systemctl start appliance-management
  13. Confirm each TCA service is active (running):
    systemctl status zookeeper
    systemctl status kafka
    systemctl status app-engine
    systemctl status web-engine
    systemctl status appliance-management