How to enable LDAP Tracing with CA Output Management Webviewer 12.1?
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How to enable LDAP Tracing with CA Output Management Webviewer 12.1?


Article ID: 32523


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Output Management Document Viewer Output Management Web Viewer



In order to troubleshoot your problem with LDAP and CA Output Management Web Viewer, CA support may ask you for an Web Viewer/LDAP Trace.  Here are those instructions.



    1. Edit your OmWVTrace.cfg file. Assuming system level external configuration, this is located in the ${CAOMWV12_HOME}/config folder

    2. If any low-level tracing is enabled (look for =DEBUG or =EXIT un-commented log4j.logger lines), please comment these out by adding "#" as first character of the line.

3. Add the following trace statement:

4. This will enable low-level tracing in Web Viewer's LDAP routines.

5. Stop and start Tomcat or WebSphere to enable this tracing.

6. Once this tracing is enabled, wait for the next occurrence of the problem.

    7. When the problem occurs, note the approximate time of the problem and the userid.  Or attempt a fresh login while noting the time and the userid.

8.  Then locate and send to us the wvtrace.log file (in the ${CAOMWV12_HOME}/logs folder).

    9. Also send the DRAS and Tomcat or WebSphere log files for the same test. 



Release: OUTWBV01300-12.1-Output Management-Web Viewer for AIX