Article ID: 325155
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The ip-ranges.json is future looking and involved all reserved, but unused CIDR ranges as well however the DescribePrefixLists returns the actively used prefixes for a given time.
CIDR addresses 35.x.x.x/28 & 35.x.x.x/28 is missing from output of describe-prefix-lists output. AWS checked this discrepancy with their VPC team and they confirmed that this occurs because they do try to keep online ip-range json file updated all the time but some time it gets delayed in updating and you may get some difference in prefixes list and ip-range file. And also the range we publish in ip-json list is the max that we have allocated to that service at this point and these CIDR addresses changes from time to time.
These IP CIDR are front end Load balancer Virtual IPs, these are not actual servers hosting S3 data, so even if you get one CIDR only in Prefix list output, you should be able to reach your buckets without any issues.
If you are trying to whitelist the IP address in their firewall or Security group, its recommended to use the ip-ranges.json output as we will add the extra CIDR IP to the service anytime and that time the API (DescribeManagedPrefixLists) will also get updated.