[VMC on AWS] VMC NSX Filter feature loses the cursor focus after typing a few letters.
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[VMC on AWS] VMC NSX Filter feature loses the cursor focus after typing a few letters.


Article ID: 325153


Updated On:


VMware Cloud on AWS


The issue is seen with the Filter option in the NSX Manager. When using Search option in NSX UI , in between typing the word, result gets auto populated and the Cursor comes out from the search box. To continue typing the word, one has to select the search bar manually to get the cursor back .

Currently the issue is seen on SDDC version's M22v2, M20v2, M20v7(NSX 4.x). However the issue is not present on SDDC version M18.


No preventive workaround. select the search box manually again and continue modification.
The issue will get fixed in NSX version 4.2.0.