Virtual machines lose network connectivity after deploying from template, customizing, and powering on after creation using dynamic port binding
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Virtual machines lose network connectivity after deploying from template, customizing, and powering on after creation using dynamic port binding


Article ID: 324937


Updated On:


VMware vCenter Server


  • Virtual machines that are deployed from a virtual machine or template using customization and Power on this virtual machine after creation on dynamic binding dvportgroup do not have a network connection after boot-up.
  • The hostd log contains entries similar to:

    info 'vm:/vmfs/volumes/##########-#######-DATASTORE-UUID-#########/test100/test100.vmx']
    info: Unable to get dvs.portId for ethernet0Unable to get networkName or devName for ethernet0Failed to connect virtual device Ethernet0.
    verbose 'vm:/vmfs/volumes/##########-#######-DATASTORE-UUID-#########/test100/test100.vmx'] Auto-answered question Unable to get dvs.portId for ethernet0Unable to get networkName or devName for ethernet0Failed to connect virtual device Ethernet0.
  • If you deploy Virtual machine with dynamic binding on vNetwork Distributed Switch, it gets mapped with dvportgroup after deployment using customization is complete.


VMware vCenter Server 6.7.x
VMware vCenter Server 7.0.x
VMware vCenter Server 8.0.x



Template deployment through customization of a virtual machine with dynamic binding on dvPortgroup is not supported. To restore the connectivity, manually edit the virtual machine settings and map it to appropriate dvSwitch.
To manually edit the virtual machine settings and map it to appropriate dvSwitch:
  1. Log in to vCenter Server of the ESX host using vSphere Client.
  2. Right-click the deployed virtual machine and choose Edit Settings.
  3. Highlight the network adapter (Network Adapter 1).
  4. Under the Network Connection drop down, choose the appropriate dvSwitch.
  5. Under device status, ensure that Connected and Connected at power on are selected.
  6. Click OK to apply the changes.

Note: Always use the default port binding (static) while deploying template through customization.