Deleting orphaned database jobs
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Deleting orphaned database jobs


Article ID: 324859


Updated On: 10-30-2024


VMware vCenter Server


In Microsoft SQL Server, the jobs are owned by MSDB database (job scheduler) and the user database, vCenter Server Database (VCDB), is independent of the MSDB. If you drop the database exclusively using either t-sql (drop database) command or through SQL Management Studio (GUI), the jobs related to the VCDB are orphaned and will need to be dropped or deleted manually.


VMware vCenter Server 5.1.x
VMware vCenter Server 5.0.x


To locate the orphaned jobs use either one of the following methods:

  • Using GUI: Server -> SQL Server Agent -> Jobs
  • Using CMD: Select * from msdb.dbo.sysjobs

To manually delete the orphaned jobs, refer to the following articles

  • To delete orphaned database jobs using GUI, see MS187850
  • To delete orphaned database jobs using CMD, see MS188376