vRealize Orchestrator 8.0.1 Live disk resize does not take effect on underlying PhotonOS
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vRealize Orchestrator 8.0.1 Live disk resize does not take effect on underlying PhotonOS


Article ID: 324840


Updated On:


VMware Aria Suite


  • After increasing the size of any of the disks of a vRealize Orchestrator 8.0 or 8.0.1 appliance, the changes does not take effect in the OS.
  • New disk space is not accessible even after auto resize is triggered manually with the vracli disk-mgr resize command.


VMware vRealize Orchestrator 8.x


This issue occurs when a crontab file is missing.


This issue is resolved in VMware vRealize Orchestrator 8.1, available at VMware Downloads.

To work around this issue:
  1. SSH to the appliance.
  2. Navigate to /etc/cron.d directory.
  3. Create file named disk-management with this content:
* * * * * root /opt/scripts/monitor_disk_usage.sh >> /var/log/disk_usage.log 2>&1
* * * * * root sleep 10 && /opt/scripts/manage_disk_resize.sh >> /var/log/disk_resize.log 2>&1.

Ensure there is trailing new line in the end of the file.
  1. Modify with read permissions for everyone and write permissions for the owner (chmod 644 disk-management).
  2. If one or more disks have been externally resized already, perform the following steps to trigger automatic resize on OS level:
    1. Navigate to:
      1. /var/run for vRealize Orchestrator 8.0
      2. /var/vmware/prelude/disk-management for vRealize Orchestrator 8.0.1.
    2. Open the disk_stats file and modify its content to:
/dev/sda: 1
/dev/sdb: 1
/dev/sdc: 1
/dev/sdd: 1
  1. Run vracli disk-mgr resize.