SRM Test recovery fails with the error: "Timed out (300 seconds) while waiting for SRA to complete '' command"
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SRM Test recovery fails with the error: "Timed out (300 seconds) while waiting for SRA to complete '' command"


Article ID: 324735


Updated On:


VMware Live Recovery


Test recovery fails and SRM returns the error:
"Timed out (300 seconds) while waiting for SRA to complete '<commandtype>' command"


VMware vCenter Site Recovery Manager (SRM) has a default setting of 300 seconds for the elapsed time for SRA commands (such as discoverDevices, discoverArrays). If the requested information is not passed back from the SRA in five minutes, SRM flags a timeout and terminates the command.


To resolve this issue, increase the VMware vCenter Site Recovery Manager (SRM) timeout value for SRA commands:

  1. Log in to vSphere Web Client and click Site Recovery Manager plugin.
  2. Click Sites in the left pane.
  3. Click on a Site > go to Advanced Settings > click Storage.
  4. To change SRA update timeout, enter a new value in the storage.commandTimeout field greater than its current value (600 or 900).
  5. Perform test recovery again.