Product instance not added for metering in vCloud Usage Meter
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Product instance not added for metering in vCloud Usage Meter


Article ID: 324724


Updated On: 12-18-2020


VMware Aria Suite


vCloud Usage Meter is not uploading any product usage data, indicating there are no product instances added for metering.


To resolve this issue:
  1. Log in to the vCloud Usage Meter web interface.
  2.  Navigate to the Products tab.
  3. Click on the VMware product type on the left sidebar. The selected product type should be the one you want to register an instance for in vCloud Usage Meter.
  4. Complete the form for adding a new product for metering. For more information, see VMware Docs - Manage Metering in vCloud Usage Meter.
     Note: After adding a new product,  ensure you have accepted the product certificate.

A successful connectivity message will indicate the correct configuration. The usage data collection will then start.