TSO Option PASSWORDPREPROMPT can affect Logon scripts
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TSO Option PASSWORDPREPROMPT can affect Logon scripts


Article ID: 32471


Updated On:


SOLVE:Operations Automation SOLVE:Access Session Management SOLVE:FTS SOLVE


With z/OS 2.2, there is a new option for TSO available, PASSWORDPREPROMPT={ON|OFF} with OFF being the Default.
When activating that option by specifying PASSWORDPREPROMPT=ON in the LOGON-Statement of the SYS1.PARMLIB member IKJTSOnn  need to enter Userid and Password in a different way than previously. This has an effect on possible Script-procedure used to automate Logon to TSO. If the provided combination of Userid and Password is incorrect, will be logged out of the session.

Will not see the old Logon screen after entering the Userid alone:

  ---------------------------- TSO/E LOGON --------------------------
  Enter LOGON parameters below: RACF LOGON parameters:
  Userid ===> xxxxxxx
  Password ===>                   New Password ===>
  Procedure ===> pppppppp         Group Ident ===>
  Acct Nmbr ===> nnnnnnnn
  Size ===> 2048
  Perform ===>
  Command ===>

  Enter an 'S' before each option desired below:
  -Nomail -Nonotice -Reconnect -OIDcard

Instead of this panel will see this line:



After entering Userid will see this:




 After entering the correct password, will be logged on to TSO.




Component: SOLVE:Access Session Management

Release: 5.0


For SOLVE:Access this new Option has the consequence that need to check all NCL-written Logon Script for that TSO. It likely needs to be changed due to the changed data flow between terminal and TSO. A good approach is to logon to TSO without the NCL being active and review all user input from the terminal and all panels received from TSO. With this information then can edit the NCL-Script accordingly.

To logon without a script NCL being active use line command 'L' instead of 'S'. This displays the Session Details panel prior to logging on. Here remove the name of the NCL in field 'Script Name/Parms' of the Session Details. When hit ENTER, the session is started without the supporting NCL. The changes made are valid only for the current session, they are not stored permanently.