Issues Fixed in VMware vRealize Network Insight 6.7.0.P3 Patch Bundle
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Issues Fixed in VMware vRealize Network Insight 6.7.0.P3 Patch Bundle


Article ID: 324432


Updated On:


VMware Aria Operations for Networks


The Purpose of this VMware Knowledge Base Article is to:

1. Understand the issue seen on vRNI 6.7.0 GA.
2. How to identify the above issues in customer's Environment.
3. How to apply vRNI Patch (VMware-vRealize-Network-Insight.6.7.0.P3-1666715964.patch.bundle).

This VMware Knowledge Base Article describes  Bug-fixes in vRNI 6.7.0 
These bug fixes are now  resolved after applying Patch (VMware-vRealize-Network-Insight.6.7.0.P3-1666715964.patch.bundle).

List of issues fixed and details

Issue 1No metric data present for NSX-T Edge Node CPU Cores of type DATAPATH_CORE
Versions Impacted   vRNI 6.7.0
How to identify the issue No Metric data is displayed in the graph for the following query:
"Edge Dataplane CPU Core Usage Rate Rx of NSX-T Edge Node CPU Core where Core Type = 'DATAPATH_CORE'"
ResolutionApply the vRNI 6.7.0-P3 patch bundle to fix the issue.
Issue 2The vRNI is integrated with the vIDM however, not all the users and groups are listed in the vRNI GUI when we add a new vIDM user.
Versions Impacted   vRNI 6.7.0
How to identify the issue 1. Go to settings
2. Select Identity and Access Management
3. Configure vIDM
4. Under User Management tab, try to add vIDM user
5. Search Users/Groups while adding vIDM user which is not listed by default.
ResolutionApply the vRNI 6.7.0-P3 patch bundle to fix the issue.
Issue 3Unable to add Cisco UCS device in vRNI.
Versions Impacted   vRNI 6.7.0
How to identify the issue 1. Go to Settings->Accounts and Data Source.
 2. Click on Add Data Source and select Cisco UCS Manager
3. Add the Cisco UCS IP/FQDN and credentials and click on Validate
4. The validation fails as the Kex Algorithm is not supported.
ResolutionApply the vRNI 6.7.0-P3 patch bundle to fix the issue.


i) Before applying the patch, the following KEX Algorithms, ciphers and MACS are supported in vRNI 6.7

ii) After applying the patch 6.7 P3, the below table does list all the previous KEX Algorithms, ciphers and MACS previously supported which are no longer supported post patch. 


KEX AlgorithmsCiphersMACS

iii) The Host key algorithm ssh-dss and Ciphers blowfish-ctr, blowfish-cdc will be NOT be supported.

iv) If any of the physical switches or routers are configured with the above mentioned KEX Algorithms, Ciphers or  MACS  and devices are they are added in vRNI, please contact GSS team to enable additional configuration for them.


VMware vRealize Network Insight 6.7.0


Patch Download Details:

Patch Download/ Build Number Download the Patch here Build number: 1666715964
File Name VMware-vRNI.6.7.0.P3.1666715964.patch.bundle
Size  722.85 MB

Procedure to apply vRealize Network Insight 6.7.0 P3 patch bundle:
  1. Download the 6.7.0.P3 patch file from here. Save the file on you local system.
  2. Log into the vRealize Network Insight 6.7.0  UI as an Administrator user.
Note: The default admin@local account can be used.
  1. Navigate to Settings > Install and Support > Overview and Updates, then under Product, select Click here.
  2. Click Browse to select the  locally downloaded patch file ( VMware-vRealize-Network-Insight.6.7.0.P3.patch.bundle) and click Upload.
  • When the upload is complete, vRealize Network Insight show the Bundle Upload Complete message notification within 2-3 minutes and the bundle processing happens in the background.
  • Until the upload of the package happens, ensure that the session is not closed. If the session ends, you have to restart the upload process.
  • Do not refresh the page after bundle upload, until you see the Update Available message notification.
  1. In the Bundle Available message notification, click View details.
vRealize Network Insight Update screen appears.
  1. Read the Before you proceed instruction and click Continue.
  2. Wait for the pre-checks to complete, which verifies:
  • the disk space, including the space required for migration
  • the version
  • the NTP sync status
  • the bundle checksum
  1. Click Install Now.
You can see the approximate time required to complete the update process on your setup.
  1. Once the update process begins, the vRealize Network Insight Update screen provides the status of the update process.
  • If a node becomes inactive, the update process does not continue. The update will not resume until the node becomes active again.
  • Once the platforms are updated, you can resume your normal vRealize Network Insight operations even though the collector update happens in parallel. Until the update process is completely over, the Node Version Mismatch detected message is shown in the Install and Support page.
  1. Upon the completion of update process, you see the confirmation message.
          All platforms and the collectors nodes are updated.

Additional Information

Versions Impacted is  VMware vRealize Network Insight 6.7.0