This Knowledge base Article is regarding vRealize Network Insight 6.0 Licensing information changes
Starting vRealize Network Insight 6.0 older DLF files will be replaced, and customer is required to get new replacement keys from Customer Connect . Replacement for every existing key can be obtained from the Customer Connect portal.
Customer will be provided a 7 days of grace period to add new license keys, during this period there will be no functional impact on the system.
If no key is added, post grace period the Data Sources will be stopped, and system will enter a state similar to license expiry.
Keys obtained as part of NSX DataCenter Enterprise Plus bundle will continue to work without replacement.
Add-on keys must be replaced.
Before starting the upgrade process, a consent message will be displayed on the upgrade modal, and also on the CLI console for CLI upgrade.
The message will ask customer to refer to a KB document before proceeding further and will have information related to licensing changes.
During Upgrade
While Upgrading the older DLF files are moved to a new backup directory. This is done to validate older keys during the Grace Period.
Post Upgrade
The 7 days of grace period will start.
Admin User: On login will see a popup to add new license key, which will take him to add license page.
Non-admin user will only see the Banner.
Valid License not available banner will be shown, unless all License Editions are replaced by new keys, for 7 days.
Banner will not be displayed if any new key was added, post grace period.
Event will be raised for Grace Period start.
Older License Keys will be displayed on the license and usage page for the duration of Grace Period as expired.
If a user had multiple ADVANCED (or say any other EDITION) keys in 5.x and replaces only one of the ADVANCED keys, the other older ADVANCED keys will not be displayed anymore on the licensing page. In this case the user may see license over usage warning unless all keys get replaced.
If all existing Editions are not replaced, the data sources which are is not supported by new keys, will be stopped after the grace period.
Add Data source page will reflect these changes as only supported data sources will be visible for addition.
Important Note:
Grace Period will be valid for back to back upgrade within the grace duration. Say 5.x -> 6.0 -> 6.1 within 7 days.
vRealize Network Insight 6.0 GUI Enhancements: (Refer to attached Screenshots)
License Expiry Toast is shown if any key is about to expire in next 5 days. And user can directly go to license and usage page from the expiry toast.
License Expiry Events will be raised if any license key expires.
License and Usage page will also display Device Usage for supported license EDITION (CORE, SOCKET, Assurance & Verification) is available.
Once a new key is added data sources which were disabled by licensing system will enabled automatically, without user action. This doesn't include data sources which were already manually disabled by the user.
Assurance & Verification
Users will be able to add Assurance & Verification licenses post-upgrade. This provides capability to add network devices.
Assurance & Verification license cannot exist with ADVANCED. Licensing validation API will return error if user tries to add NAV with ADVANCED or vice-versa.
Assurance & Verification license works with ROBO license.