Aria Operations Plugin Installation Fails in Case of Linked vCenters
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Aria Operations Plugin Installation Fails in Case of Linked vCenters


Article ID: 324372


Updated On:


VMware vCenter Server


Aria Operations plugin installation fails in case of linked vCenters. The following error message may appear on recent Tasks while installing Aria Operation from vSphere "VMware Aria Operations Configuration" page.

"Cannot complete the operation. See the event log for details. Deployment of the solution OVA failed. Check the other related tasks for more information."

You may see an error similar to below in the vCenter logs:

[2024-03-19T15:36:59.525Z] [ERROR] plugin-solution-install1     70001165 100071 200016 c.v.v.plugin.extension.install.impl.SolutionInstallServiceImpl    Failed to install solution with context [solutionId=com.vmware.vrops.manager, pluginId=com.vmware.vrops.ui, vcGuids=xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx, deployTaskId=urn:vmomi:Task:task-xxx:xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx] java.lang.NullPointerException: null


VMware vCenter Server 8.0.0
VMware Aria Operations 8.x


To resolve the issue, try to perform a restart of the vSphere UI service:
  1. SSH to the vCenter appliance with root user
  2. Run command: vmon-cli -r vsphere-ui
  3. Try the installation again from the vSphere "VMware Aria Operations Configuration" page

The workaround is to restart the vSphere UI service

Additional Information

The vSphere Client will be restarted, any users currently using the vSphere Client will not have access to it. The restart should be relatively fast, around one minute.