vMotion fails on vCenter 6.7 with error "The source detected destination failed to resume"
In vmware.log you will see errors similar to:
2019-04-18T20:45:10.979Z| vmx| I125: MigrateDumperRead: Read 10161 bytes @ 1168756
2019-04-18T20:45:10.979Z| vmx| I125: restoring smram
2019-04-18T20:45:10.979Z| vmx| I125: DUMPER: Block item 'smram' [-1, -1] not found.
2019-04-18T20:45:10.979Z| vmx| I125: Progress 0% (none)
2019-04-18T20:45:10.979Z| vmx| I125: Progress 101% (none)
2019-04-18T20:45:10.979Z| vmx| I125: MigrateSetStateFinished: type=2 new state=12
2019-04-18T20:45:10.979Z| vmx| I125: MigrateSetState: Transitioning from state 11 to 12.
2019-04-18T20:45:10.979Z| vmx| I125: Migrate: Caching migration error message list:
2019-04-18T20:45:10.979Z| vmx| I125: [msg.checkpoint.migration.failedReceive] Failed to receive migration.
2019-04-18T20:45:10.979Z| vmx| I125: [msg.checkpoint.mrestoregroup.failed] An error occurred restoring the virtual machine state during migration.
2019-04-18T20:45:10.979Z| vmx| I125: Msg_Post: Error
2019-04-18T20:45:10.979Z| vmx| I125: [msg.checkpoint.mrestoregroup.failed] An error occurred restoring the virtual machine state during migration.
2019-04-18T20:45:10.979Z| vmx| I125: [msg.checkpoint.migration.failedReceive] Failed to receive migration
2019-04-18T20:45:10.979Z cpu3:27293185)WARNING: Migrate: 5454: 4421787300420266144 D: Migration considered a failure by the VMX. It is most likely a timeout, but check the VMX log for the true error.
2019-04-18T20:45:10.979Z cpu3:27293185)WARNING: Migrate: 273: 4421787300420266144 D: Failed: Migration determined a failure by the VMX (0xbad0092) @0x4180369fc3b3
2019-04-18T20:45:10.979Z cpu3:27293185)WARNING: VMotionUtil: 6267: 4421787300420266144 D: timed out waiting 0 ms to transmit data.
2019-04-18T20:45:10.979Z cpu3:27293185)WARNING: VMotionSend: 688: 4421787300420266144 D: (9-0x43d240001aa8) failed to receive 72/72 bytes from the remote host <>: Timeout
2019-04-18T21:10:16.410Z cpu10:27294735)WARNING: VMotionUtil: 6111: 4421787301926567010 D: Bandwidth of vMotion vmknic vmk2 could not be estimated, status: Not found.
When you check the vpxd.log, you see that vpxd is crashing with the below backtrace
2019-04-18T20:31:44.173Z error vpxd[04301] [Originator@6876 sub=VmProv opID=MigrationWizard-applyOnMultiEntity-96027-ngc:70011817-ab-01] Failed to track task vim.Task:task-39803 on host vim.HostSystem:host-103: Fault cause: vim.fault.
--> backtrace:
--> [backtrace begin] product: VMware VirtualCenter, version: 6.7.0, build: build-10244857, tag: vpxd, cpu: x86_64, os: linux, buildType: release
--> backtrace[00][0x002AB094]: Vmacore::System::Stacktrace::CaptureWork(unsigned int)
--> backtrace[01][0x001B3720]: Vmacore::System::SystemFactory::CreateQuickBacktrace(Vmacore::Ref<Vmacore::System::Backtrace>&)
--> backtrace[02][0x0018BB6E]: Vmacore::Throwable::Throwable(std::string&&)
--> backtrace[03][0x00FC2B24]
--> backtrace[04][0x010F50FB]
--> backtrace[05][0x010FFE97]
--> backtrace[06][0x011011DA]: Vim::Fault::GenericVmConfigFault::ThrowInternal()
--> backtrace[07] vpxd[0x0054FC9B]
--> backtrace[08] vpxd[0x00715374]
--> backtrace[09] vpxd[0x00CC4258]
--> backtrace[10] vpxd[0x00CC4826]
--> backtrace[11] vpxd[0x00CD614A]
--> backtrace[12] vpxd[0x00C9FADF]
--> backtrace[13] vpxd[0x00CA1A17]
--> backtrace[14] vpxd[0x00CA1ED0]
--> backtrace[15] vpxd[0x0070DF76]
--> backtrace[16] vpxd[0x0070ED27]
--> backtrace[17] vpxd[0x0070CA2A]
--> backtrace[18] vpxd[0x00C62CA6]
--> backtrace[19] vpxd[0x00A83EF5]
--> backtrace[20] vpxd[0x00A83FF4]
--> backtrace[21][0x01012DBB]
--> backtrace[22] vpxd[0x0071DB2B]
--> backtrace[23] vpxd[0x0070DF76]
--> backtrace[24] vpxd[0x0070ED27]
--> backtrace[25] vpxd[0x007147CE]
--> backtrace[26][0x00231EA1]
--> backtrace[27][0x0023216A]
--> backtrace[28][0x002B081D]
--> backtrace[29][0x000073D4]
--> backtrace[30][0x000E8C9D]
--> [backtrace end]