Renaming SDDC manager appliance name after upgrading from 3.7.2 to 3.8
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Renaming SDDC manager appliance name after upgrading from 3.7.2 to 3.8


Article ID: 324116


Updated On:


VMware Cloud Foundation


This document provided steps to restore SDDC manager appliance name as part of VCF 3.7.2 to 3.8.0 upgrade.

  • VMware Cloud Foundation 3.8.0 migration upgrade has succeeded.
  • SDDC manager Appliance name on vcenter changes to 'sddc-manager'


VMware Cloud Foundation 3.7.x
VMware Cloud Foundation 3.8.x


  1. Open a SSH session  to the SDDC Manager VM, and switch to the root user
su - 
  1. Using the command below, get SDDC Manager id.
curl http://localhost/inventory/sddcmanagercontrollers | json_pp 

      "id" : "71b43367-7df2-42a1-859b-e7faf8e1893a",
      "hostName" : "sddc-manager.rainpole.local",
      "managementIpAddress" : "",
      "ceipStatus" : "DISABLED",
      "vmName" : "sddc-manager",
      "status" : "ACTIVE",
      "version" : "",
      "privateIpAddress" : "",
      "domainId" : "22c2d8e3-a2f5-469e-9ca6-f796736db9f0"
  1.  Copy json output to a file and and update vmName attribute as appropriate.
cat test.json

  1.  Execute the below API command to update entity.
curl -X PUT -H 'Content-Type:application/json' -H 'Accept:application/json' -d @test.json http://localhost/inventory/sddcmanagercontrollers/<sddc-manager-id>
  1. Verify that the vmName is now reflected with the updated entry.
curl http://localhost/inventory/sddcmanagercontrollers | json_pp