Portgroup names with specific pattern translate into single logical segment during migration from VDS to N-VDS
Article ID: 324100
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VMware Cloud Foundation
All the vmkernels (mgmt, vsan, vmotion) are connected to single logical segment in N-VDS. This happens when portgroup names given have the same suffix.
These get translated to same logical segment, which is "ls-vi-vcenter-1-cluster2-cluster" in the example above.
VMware Cloud Foundation 3.10.x
This issue will be fixed in a future 3.x release.
Workaround: To workaround this, it is required to create separate segments for VSAN and VMOTION and move the respective vmkernels over. Please use the the steps to perform this workaround:
Rename management logical segment (currently created) to end with "mgmt". From the example above "ls-vi-vcenter-1-cluster2-cluster" will become "ls-vi-vcenter-1-cluster2-mgmt"
Create new logical segments for vMotion and vSAN. Add the required respective VLAN ID, and choose VLAN Transport Zone. Following the example above create the below mentioned logical segments: