How to create a Stretched Cluster with Multi DVS in VMware Cloud Foundation 3.9.1
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How to create a Stretched Cluster with Multi DVS in VMware Cloud Foundation 3.9.1


Article ID: 324095


Updated On:


VMware Cloud Foundation


This document outlines the steps required to create a supported Stretched Cluster with multiple distributed switches. 


VMware Cloud Foundation 3.9.x


Create a Stretch Cluster with multiple distributed switches
  1. Open a SSH session to the SDDC manager and change to the root user:
su -
  1. Create a json file, stretch-cluster-details.json, that will contain the Domain Name, Cluster Name, ESXi License Key, ESXi Host FQDN, ESX Witness Host FQDN and its details and also vmnicToVdsNameMap mapping. Please review the example below:
  "domainName": "MGMT",
  "clusterName": "SDDC-Cluster1",
  "esxiSystemSpec": [
      "esxiHostFqdn": "esxi-5.vrack.vsphere.local",
      "license": "11111-AAAAA-BBBBB-CCCCC-22222",
      "vmnicToVdsNameMap": {
        "vmnic0": "SDDC-Dswitch-Private2",
        "vmnic2": "SDDC-Dswitch-Private2",
        "vmnic1": "SDDC-Dswitch-Public2",
        "vmnic3": "SDDC-Dswitch-Public2"
      "esxiHostFqdn": "esxi-6.vrack.vsphere.local",
      "license": "11111-AAAAA-BBBBB-CCCCC-22222",
      "vmnicToVdsNameMap": {
        "vmnic0": "SDDC-Dswitch-Private2",
        "vmnic2": "SDDC-Dswitch-Private2",
        "vmnic1": "SDDC-Dswitch-Public2",
        "vmnic3": "SDDC-Dswitch-Public2"
      "esxiHostFqdn": "esxi-7.vrack.vsphere.local",
      "license": "11111-AAAAA-BBBBB-CCCCC-22222",
      "vmnicToVdsNameMap": {
        "vmnic0": "SDDC-Dswitch-Private2",
        "vmnic2": "SDDC-Dswitch-Private2",
        "vmnic1": "SDDC-Dswitch-Public2",
        "vmnic3": "SDDC-Dswitch-Public2"
      "esxiHostFqdn": "esxi-8.vrack.vsphere.local",
      "license": "11111-AAAAA-BBBBB-CCCCC-22222",
      "vmnicToVdsNameMap": {
        "vmnic0": "SDDC-Dswitch-Private2",
        "vmnic2": "SDDC-Dswitch-Private2",
        "vmnic1": "SDDC-Dswitch-Public2",
        "vmnic3": "SDDC-Dswitch-Public2"
  "witnessSpec": {
    "witnessVsanIp": "",
    "witnessHostFqdn": "witness-vsan.vrack.vsphere.local",
    "witnessVsanCidr": ""
  1. Use the SoS utility to stretch the cluster using the configuration from the json file:
/opt/vmware/sddc-support/sos --stretch-cluster-json stretch-cluster-details.json

Expand a Stretched Cluster with multiple distributed switches
  1. Open a SSH session to the SDDC manager and change to the root user:
su -
  1. Create a json file, expand-stretch-cluster-details.json, that will contain the Domain Name, Cluster Name, ESXi License Key, ESXi Host FQDN and also vmnicToVdsNameMap mapping. Please review the example below:
  "domainName": "MGMT",
  "clusterName": "SDDC-Cluster1",
  "esxiSystemSpec": [
      "esxiHostFqdn": "esxi-5.vrack.vsphere.local",
      "license": "11111-AAAAA-BBBBB-CCCCC-22222",
      "vmnicToVdsNameMap": {
        "vmnic0": "SDDC-Dswitch-Private2",
        "vmnic2": "SDDC-Dswitch-Private2",
        "vmnic1": "SDDC-Dswitch-Public2",
        "vmnic3": "SDDC-Dswitch-Public2"
      "esxiHostFqdn": "esxi-6.vrack.vsphere.local",
      "license": "11111-AAAAA-BBBBB-CCCCC-22222",
      "vmnicToVdsNameMap": {
        "vmnic0": "SDDC-Dswitch-Private2",
        "vmnic2": "SDDC-Dswitch-Private2",
        "vmnic1": "SDDC-Dswitch-Public2",
        "vmnic3": "SDDC-Dswitch-Public2"
      "esxiHostFqdn": "esxi-7.vrack.vsphere.local",
      "license": "11111-AAAAA-BBBBB-CCCCC-22222",
      "vmnicToVdsNameMap": {
        "vmnic0": "SDDC-Dswitch-Private2",
        "vmnic2": "SDDC-Dswitch-Private2",
        "vmnic1": "SDDC-Dswitch-Public2",
        "vmnic3": "SDDC-Dswitch-Public2"
      "esxiHostFqdn": "esxi-8.vrack.vsphere.local",
      "license": "11111-AAAAA-BBBBB-CCCCC-22222",
      "vmnicToVdsNameMap": {
        "vmnic0": "SDDC-Dswitch-Private2",
        "vmnic2": "SDDC-Dswitch-Private2",
        "vmnic1": "SDDC-Dswitch-Public2",
        "vmnic3": "SDDC-Dswitch-Public2"

  1. Use the SoS utility to stretch the cluster using the configuration from the json file:
/opt/vmware/sddc-support/sos --expand-stretch-cluster-json expand-stretch-cluster-details.json