After Bring-up completes SDDC Manager UI cannot be accessed.
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After Bring-up completes SDDC Manager UI cannot be accessed.


Article ID: 324071


Updated On:


VMware Cloud Foundation


  • Accessing the SDDC Manager UI from a Browser reports "HTTP Status 400 – Bad Request".
  • The VMware Cloud Foundation deployment is in a linked SSO configuration.
  • In the /var/log/vmware/sso/websso.log file on the vCenter machine similar errors are present:
2020-05-27T08:14:35.207Z ERROR websso[53:tomcat-http--24] [CorId=e43ac829-4952-4c2c-91f6-3a83b27579e9] [com.vmware.identity.idm.server.ServerUtils] cannot establish ldap connection with URI: [ldap://site-b-vcenter-1.sitebvrack.vsphere.local:389] because [Invalid credentials] therefore will not attempt to use any secondary URIs
2020-05-27T08:14:35.239Z ERROR websso[53:tomcat-http--24] [CorId=e43ac829-4952-4c2c-91f6-3a83b27579e9] [com.vmware.identity.idm.server.IdentityManager] Failed to authenticate principal [[email protected]] for tenant [vsphere.local]
/var/log/vmware/sso/websso.log:2020-05-27T08:14:35.269Z INFO websso[53:tomcat-http--24] [CorId=e43ac829-4952-4c2c-91f6-3a83b27579e9] [com.vmware.identity.diagnostics.VmEventAppender] EventLog: source=[VMware Identity Server], tenant=[vsphere.local], eventid=[USER_NAME_PWD_AUTH_FAILED], level=[ERROR], category=[VMEVENT_CATEGORY_STS], text=[Failed to authenticate principal [[email protected]]. Login failed], detailText=[Login failed], corelationId=[e43ac829-4952-4c2c-91f6-3a83b27579e9], timestamp=[1590567275267]


VMware Cloud Foundation 4.0.x


  1. Open an SSH session to the SDDC Manager VM and switch to the root user:
su -
  1. Restart the SDDC Manager UI app:
systemctl restart sddc-manager-ui-app
  1. Check the status of the SDDC Manager UI app:
systemctl status sddc-manager-ui-app
  1. Open the SDDC Manager UI and verify it is now operational.