Deployment of NSX Controller VMs through VCF from OVF template fails
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Deployment of NSX Controller VMs through VCF from OVF template fails


Article ID: 324067


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VMware Cloud Foundation


  • Deployment task for NSX Controller VMs fails, as does re-trying the task.
  • The Cloud Builder bring-up logs will show messages similar to:
2020-03-04T17:57:08.142+0000 [bringup-app,[eb8371a72057381b,6bc0]] INFO [c.v.e.s.c.c.v.vsphere.VsphereClient,pool-3-thread-4] Successfully logged in to
2020-03-04T17:57:08.310+0000 [bringup-app,[eb8371a72057381b,6bc0]] INFO [c.v.e.s.b.n.a.i.DeployNsxController,pool-3-thread-4] Start creating controller : Node-15ce8aa3-4b6e-40f7-bc3c-0c9c6e1e763e, retry attempt: 1
2020-03-04T17:57:08.512+0000 [bringup-app,[7444491ae336ebe4,358c]] INFO [c.v.e.s.b.a.r.c.BringupController,http-nio-] Handling get all bringups
2020-03-04T17:57:10.247+0000 [bringup-app,[eb8371a72057381b,6bc0]] INFO [c.v.e.s.b.util.nsx.NsxServiceImpl,pool-3-thread-4] Status of NSX job jobdata-99: EXECUTING
2020-03-04T17:58:50.461+0000 [bringup-app,[eb8371a72057381b,6bc0]] INFO [c.v.e.s.b.util.nsx.NsxServiceImpl,pool-3-thread-4] Final status of NSX job jobdata-99: FAILED
2020-03-04T17:58:50.461+0000 [bringup-app,[eb8371a72057381b,6bc0]] ERROR [c.v.e.s.b.util.nsx.NsxServiceImpl,pool-3-thread-4] Controller deployment job jobdata-99 failed
com.vmware.evo.sddc.bringup.util.nsx.NsxException: NSX job jobdata-99 failed
        at com.vmware.evo.sddc.bringup.util.nsx.NsxServiceImpl.waitForNsxJobSuccess(
        at com.vmware.evo.sddc.bringup.util.nsx.NsxServiceImpl.waitForControllerToBeReady(
        at com.vmware.evo.sddc.bringup.nsx.action.impl.DeployNsxController.deployNsxController(
        at com.vmware.evo.sddc.bringup.nsx.action.impl.DeployNsxController.execute(
        at com.vmware.evo.sddc.bringup.nsx.action.impl.DeployNsxController.execute(
The vpxd logs on the vCenter may show messages similar to:
2020-03-07T12:11:51.562Z info vpxd[09740] [Originator@6876 sub=MoHttpNfcLease opID=opId-efca1-3962-98-01] [HttpNfcLease] Host URL:, target ID: disk-0.vmdk
2020-03-07T12:17:53.708Z info vpxd[09740] [Originator@6876 sub=VAppImport opID=opId-efca1-3962-98-01] [ImportTaskMo] Task timed out
2020-03-07T12:17:53.708Z info vpxd[09740] [Originator@6876 sub=MoHttpNfcLease opID=opId-efca1-3962-98-01] [HttpNfcLeaseMo] Releasing HTTP-NFC ticket
2020-03-07T12:17:53.709Z info vpxd[09740] [Originator@6876 sub=MoHttpNfcLease opID=opId-efca1-3962-98-01] Task aborted
2020-03-07T12:17:53.709Z error vpxd[09740] [Originator@6876 sub=VAppImport opID=opId-efca1-3962-98-01] [ImportTaskMo] Caught exception while importing VM: N3Vim5Fault8Timedout9ExceptionE(Fault cause: vim.fault.Timedout
  • The NSX Manager logs may display messages similar to:
2020-03-11 21:58:27.915 GMT INFO taskScheduler-10 ResourcePoolVcOperationsImpl:414 - - [nsxv@6876 comp="nsx-manager" level="INFO" subcomp="manager"] Pushing VM files to host(s).
2020-03-11 21:59:31.832 GMT ERROR pool-97-thread-1 ResourcePoolVcOperationsImpl:196 - - [nsxv@6876 comp="nsx-manager" level="ERROR" subcomp="manager"] Error while pushing file '/common/em/components/vdn/controller/ovf/nsx-controller-6.4.6-build14716221-system.vmdk'.


VMware Cloud Foundation 3.9.x


The issue may occur due to a mis-configured management network on the ESXi host which is the target of the NSX Controller VM deployment. For example, the configured netmask may prevent communication between the ESXi host and NSX Manager.

To test whether NSX Manager can communicate with the ESXi host, attempt to:
  1. Ping the ESXi management interface from the NSX Manager VM.
  2. Ping the NSX Manager VM from the management interface of the ESXi host (using vmkping).
  3. SCP a text file from the NSX Manager VM to the ESXi host.
  4. SCP a text file in the other direction.
For more information on using vmkping, please refer to


Ensure that:
  • There is physical network connectivity between the NSX Manager VM and the ESXi host.
  • Both the NSX Manager VM and the ESXi host are in the same subnet and that their subnet masks match.
  • If the network is routed, that both the NSX Manager VM and the ESXi host are able to ping the gateway.