How to apply required Hot Patch prior to upgrading from NSX 6.3.5 to 6.4.4 in VMware Cloud Foundation
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How to apply required Hot Patch prior to upgrading from NSX 6.3.5 to 6.4.4 in VMware Cloud Foundation


Article ID: 324053


Updated On:


VMware Cloud Foundation


As NSX 6.3.5 is End of Life, see the EOL documentation, upgrading to NSX 6.4.4 is required to ensure that the platform has the correct supported product versions. This documents provides the hot patch required to complete the upgrade from 6.3.5 to 6.4.4.


When attempting the NSX upgrade from 6.3.5 to 6.4.4 in VMware Cloud Foundation environment, the below error is reported:                               




VMware Cloud Foundation 2.3.x


This is a known issue, to resolve this please follow the steps below to install the hot patch required to allow the upgrade to complete successfully.
Apply the patched file:
  1. Download the attached lcm-vmware-primitive-impl-2.6.5-RELEASE.jar file. 
  2. Using a file transfer utility, copy the jar file to the /home/vrack/ location on the SDDC Manager Controller VM.
  3. Open an SSH session to the SDDC Manager using the root user.
  4. Backup the current jar file using the following command:
​​​​​cp /home/vrack/lcm/lcm-app/lib/lcm-vmware-primitive-impl-2.6.5-RELEASE.jar  /home/vrack/lcm/lcm-app/lib/lcm-vmware-primitive-impl-2.6.5-RELEASE.jar.bak
  1. Upload the new jar file to the lcm-app directory:
cp /home/vrack/lcm-vmware-primitive-impl-2.6.5-RELEASE.jar  /home/vrack/lcm/lcm-app/lib/lcm-vmware-primitive-impl-2.6.5-RELEASE.jar
  1. Restart the LCM service:
service lcm restart
  1. Once the file has been successfully uploaded to LCM, remove the file from the /home/vrack directory:
rm /home/vrack/lcm-vmware-primitive-impl-2.6.5-RELEASE.jar
  1. Login to SDDC manager UI and start NSX upgrade task. ​​​​​​​


lcm-vmware-primitive-impl-2.6.5-RELEASE get_app