Unable to get the NSX edge cluster visible in compatible list under the SDDC Kubernetes deployment
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Unable to get the NSX edge cluster visible in compatible list under the SDDC Kubernetes deployment


Article ID: 324047


Updated On:


VMware Cloud Foundation


  • Unable to see the NSX Edge Cluster in the Compatible list in the Workload Management Deployment wizard. 
  • In the wizard, there's a yellow warning for "There are no Workload Management ready edge clusters across any of the vSphere Clusters within this selection. Add an Edge cluster to proceed".
  • In the /var/log/vmware/vcf/operationsmanager/operationsmanager.log the message below is seen:
2021-05-13T16:38:48.464+0000 DEBUG [vcf_om,78147f935103572e,b018] [c.v.v.w.i.WcpCompatibilityServiceImpl,ra-exec-13] WCPReady tag not present for EC <edge cluster FQDN>
2021-05-13T16:38:48.464+0000 DEBUG [vcf_om,78147f935103572e,b018] [c.v.v.c.n.s.c.c.ApiConnection,ra-exec-13] Closed ApiClient connection.
2021-05-13T16:38:48.464+0000 DEBUG [vcf_om,78147f935103572e,b018] [c.v.v.w.i.WcpCompatibilityServiceImpl,ra-exec-13] VCF WCP edge clusters: []
2021-05-13T16:38:48.464+0000 DEBUG [vcf_om,78147f935103572e,b018] [c.v.v.r.service.client.VsphereClient,ra-exec-13] No VCF edge automation present for vCenter <vCenter FQDN>
2021-05-13T16:38:48.464+0000 DEBUG [vcf_om,78147f935103572e,b018] [c.v.v.r.service.client.VsphereClient,ra-exec-13] Update Vlcm Cluster status from <vCenter FQDN>


VMware Cloud Foundation 4.x


This occurs when the prerequisites for enabling vSphere with Kubernetes is to have the "WCPReady" tag added on the NSX-T Manager 


To resolve this issue, please add the tag "WCPReady" by going to System - Fabric - Nodes - Edge Cluster and adding a new tag. 
Note: This is case sensitive and needs to match "WCPReady"

For information on on this requirement, please see Page 7 of the following document: