INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR Invocation of prefix '' part of task PrepareVrliDriftInputAction in plugin DriftPlugin failed with exception.
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INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR Invocation of prefix '' part of task PrepareVrliDriftInputAction in plugin DriftPlugin failed with exception.


Article ID: 324014


Updated On:


VMware Cloud Foundation


  • When upgrading SDDC manager to 3.8 or performing a skip-level upgrade. The config drift stage fails on the preparation of vRealize Log Insight at task "PrepareVrliDriftInputAction


Occurs if there is no VRLI data stored in the SDDC Manager database


Since PrepareVrliDriftInputAction is the last step of the config drift and there is no vRLI deployed we can mark the workflow status as successful.
  1. Open an SSH session to the SDDC Manager VM and switch to root user:
su -
  1. Access the postgres database:
psql --host=localhost -U postgres -d lcm
  1. Find the failed config drift upgrade task and note the upgradeId:
select * from upgrade;
  1. Update the status as below to mark the upgrade as completed:
update upgrade set upgrade_status='COMPLETED_WITH_SUCCESS' where upgradeId=<upgradeId>;