This article shows how to run backup for Manager
For additional details see our official documentation:
Use the following procedure to run backup for Manager
1. Admin > Backup > Configure Storage
2. Add a new backup storage by clicking on the + sign on the right hand side.
As our documentation states:
Important: The server you select for your SSH storage backend must be running a Linux operating system.
Ubuntu SSH servers have been tested and are supported. Using a windows server is not supported.
Using localhost ( Is also not supported.
Important: Do not use the Manager or its child appliances to store the backups.
A new window appears, select the right type for you. In this example we assume you will be using "SSH":
You will now need to create and export a new SSH public key to your remote backup storage server, so Manager can send data to it without using password.
Click on "+" sign to create a new SSH key pair and select that key.
Name your SSH key, select the proper key size:
Fill in necessary information and click "Add" to finish:
3. Click the magnifier sign to view your SSH public key. Copy and paste it to your remote SSH storage server to trust the key.
If you are not familiar with how SSH key authentication works, refer to this article here.
4. The new storage is added. Click on the "heart" sign to run a network test with your new SSH storage.
5. In Admin > Backup > Configure Backups, click on "+" sign on the right hand side to add a new backup:
6. A window pops up, now you can decide the frequency of this particular backup. It can be either full backup or incremental backup.
Note that Incremental backups can only be done after an initial full backup is done.
7. The backup configuration is now done. You can click on "Backup Now" if you want to start the backup process right away.
8. When manually performing backup, the system prompts for which type of backup to run.
9. You can view backup job status in Admin > Backup > Jobs > select data range > Apply
Now you can also monitor the backup status in the same page.
For any questions or issues please open support ticket by visiting and referring to “VMware Technical Support”