2022-12-14 05:36:30,955: output: StorageErrorOperationFailed: Operation failed: Some command exited with an error code: Command "/usr/bin/ssh -oBatchMode=yes -oConnectTimeout=30 -oPasswordAuthentication=no -oStrictHostKeyChecking=no -p 22 -i /usr/share/previct_backup/ssh_key/backup-32d21467-d8de-4018-a8f7-6ca9cfb12fc8 -o TCPKeepAlive=yes -o ServerAliveInterval=60 -o ServerAliveCountMax=3 [email protected] mkdir -p /backup/lastline/lastline-manager.lastline.local/backup-20221207_035703-full_backup-full && chown lastline /backup/lastline/lastline-manager.lastline.local/backup-20221207_035703-full_backup-full && chmod 750 /backup/lastline/lastline-manager.lastline.local/backup-20221207_035703-full_backup-full" return error code: 1 (mkdir: cannot create directory '/backup/lastline/lastline-manager.lastline.local/backup-20221207_035703-full_backup-full': No space left on device
This issue occurs if the backend storage used for the backup is out of disk space
From the error seen in the previct-backup.log file, it's clear that the backend storage used for the lastline backup is out of disk space.
You can use the following steps to further validate the issue with the configured storage.
To resolve the issue with the failing backup, you must resolve the backend storage out-of-disk space issue.
Automated and manual backup stops working