You see the following logs inside of the installation logs for C:/k/antrea/, which indicate that the windows nodes were never able to finish installing OVS.
Error: Found existing SSL library. \n\r\n8/25/2023 3:30 PM Found existing SSL library. \n\r\n8/25/2023 3:30 PM Download SSL files failed, URL:
This was caused by failure in pulling the SSL Libraries from the internet.
*Prerequisites and Assumptions
This KB article contains an attachment of a powershell file you can host locally and securely on any webserver.
NOTE: If you have no webserver to use and cannot access the above URL from your location, you can
Create a directory on any standard linux machine
Run python -m SimpleHTTPServer 8000, do host the files in your local directory on that machines IP.
Reference the URL of your VM:8000/install-ovs-2.ps1, in the curl commands that occur later in this document.
The goal of this article is specifically, to tell windows nodes, when bootstrapping, to overwrite the install-ovs powershell script with the custom one you have provided in step (1).
How to do this ? When making new TKG cluster installations, it is normal to customize bootstrapping of TKG by making custom cluster classes.
A custom cluster class will give you the ability to change each and every runtime modification of your cluster, including the postKubeadmCommand invocations to install antrea on windows nodes.
If you haven’t already, run
kubectl get cluster my-existing-windows-cluster -o yaml > my-new-windows-cluster.yaml
We want to use the raw YAML representation of your cluster as our mechanism for making new TKG clusters, because we want to customize it at a fine granularity.
Copy your existing clusterclass to a new clusterclass, that you yourself can modify. Existing TKG Clusterclasses that are managed by VMware do not allow customization.
kubectl get clusterclass -o yaml > my-new-windows-cluster-class.yaml
Remove the Install-OVS.ps1 directive, and replace it with a new install-ovs-2.ps1 directive. You likely will replace the URL in the example below with your own, internal URL which is accessible inside your firewall.
As noted earlier, if you cannot access the ps1 file below, substitute the URL with a locally available, http downloadable copy of install-ovs-2.ps1.
# Install antrea-agent & OVS Import-Module C:\k\antrea\helper.psm1 & Install-AntreaAgent -KubernetesHome "C:\k" -KubeConfig "C:\etc\kubernetes\kubelet.conf" -AntreaHome "C:\k\antrea" -AntreaVersion "1.11.1" - & C:\k\antrea\Install-OVS.ps1 -ImportCertificate $false -LocalFile C:\k\antrea\ + & curl.exe -kL -o C:\k\antrea\install-ovs-2.ps1 + & C:\k\antrea\install-ovs-2.ps1 -ImportCertificate $false -LocalFile C:\k\antrea\ $nssm = (Get-Command nssm).Source & $nssm set kubelet start SERVICE_AUTO_START & $nssm install antrea-agent "C:\k\antrea\bin\antrea-agent.exe" "--config=C:\k\antrea\etc\antrea-agent.conf --logtostderr=false --log_dir=C:\var\log\antrea --alsologtostderr --log_file_max_size=100 --log_file_max_num=4"
Now, run:
kubectl create -f my-new-windows-cluster-class.yaml
Confirm your cluster class has the new logic in it, by grepping out the “install-ovs-2-.ps1” string, i.e. You can run:
kubectl get clusterclass tkg-vsphere-default-v1.1.1-windows -o yaml | grep install-ovs-2.ps1
and you will see something such as:
In the below example, we change our cluster to point to a new cluster class called tkg-vsphere-default-v1.1.1-windows.
We are changing the topology.class field of the old cluster to my-new-windows-cluster.yaml deliberately, so that it uses our new powershell command, which downloads the a different OVS installation script, while TKG nodes are booting.
Finally you can create your windows cluster in one step:
tanzu cluster create -f my-new-windows-cluster.yaml
Get-Content c:\k\antrea\install_ovs.log | Select-String ‘patches OVS’ | Out-Host -Paging