Upgrade fails to detect installation with error "No suitable suite found for the upgrade, Please select the new installation directory."
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Upgrade fails to detect installation with error "No suitable suite found for the upgrade, Please select the new installation directory."


Article ID: 323806


Updated On: 07-15-2024


VMware Smart Assurance


This article provides with check list to verify for the successful upgrade


During Upgrade, the installer fails to detect the existing installation on the server at the following step:


The installation found an existing installation for this suite on the system.
Choose Upgrade to upgrade the product or choose Install to install products to
a new location.

Select an installation type:

  ->1- Install product to a new directory
    2- Upgrade existing suite



No suitable suite found for the upgrade, Please select the new installation directory.


SMARTS 10.1.0, 10.1.2, 10.1.5, 10.1.7, 10.1.9, 10.1.12


This issue could be caused due to incorrect entries under : /var/.com.zerog.registry.xml or <Base_Dir>_uninst/.com.zerog.registry.xml


1) Verify that the product ID and version match the install version available on the sever:


<product name="SAM" id="2854093e-1f3b-11b2-a013-eb6ec3979369" upgrade_id="db14898f-1f3a-11b2-a90c-eb6ec3979369" version="" copyright="2019" info_url="VMware Inc" support_url="http://www.vmware.com" location="/opt/SAM/SAM101" last_modified="2021-11-25 16:10:56">
    <component id="db1488e4-1f3a-11b2-a8c7-eb6ec3979369" version="" name="InstallAnywhere Uninstall Component" location="/tmp/install.dir.22361/./devstat_err-javadoc.jar" vendor="InstallAnywhere">

2) Check for the installer log files generated under /tmp directory for any errors :

Example: : 6208c51a17d57159c8e.details

25/11/2021 13:32:50:881
Check Disk Space:         
                          Status: SUCCESSFUL
                          Additional Notes: NOTE - Required Disk Space:331,520,077 Bytes Free Disk Space:3,675,394,048 Bytes 

25/11/2021 13:32:53:908
Execute Command:          whoami
                          Status: SUCCESSFUL

25/11/2021 13:33:01:748
Execute Script/Batch file:   <Comment>
                          Status: ERROR
                          Additional Notes: ERROR - Error while attempting to execute the installation script

25/11/2021 13:33:02:304
Execute Script/Batch file:   <Comment>
                          Status: ERROR
                          Additional Notes: ERROR - Error while attempting to execute the installation script

Notice that the above log shows error while attempting to execute the Batch file / Script . 

3) More details about the above failures can be obtained by referring to a temporary file lax-<unique_id>-err.tmp file. 

Example: lax-4240932949095896066-err.tmp

Loading externalized properties
System's temporary directory = /tmp
Command.run(): Cannot run program "/tmp/255583.tmp/executeScriptTmp0": error=13, Permission denied
Command.run(): Cannot run program "/tmp/255583.tmp/executeScriptTmp0": error=13, Permission denied
Command.run(): Cannot run program "/tmp/255583.tmp/executeScriptTmp0": error=13, Permission denied
Command.run(): Cannot run program "/tmp/255583.tmp/executeScriptTmp0": error=13, Permission denied
Command.run(): Cannot run program "/tmp/255583.tmp/executeScriptTmp0": error=13, Permission denied

4) Based on the above, it is understood that the temporary executables is unable to execute the scripts successfully due to lack on permissions. 

5) Validate if the /tmp has the execute permissions defined on the server level by engaging the server team
Reference: RHEL 7 Vendor STIG Content Peculiarities - Mount-opts for /tmp  (Confirm if /tmp is not configured with noexec operation)

6) The temporary executables are crucial as the installer depends on the intermediate files created by the executables 

Sample set of files and their data include:

  • final_sam_sysinfo.txt
Operating System Information

Name:         Linux
Architecture: x86_64
Version:      3.10.0-1160.42.2.el7.x86_64

Required OS Patch Levels
Passed  Name                 Required           Actual
true    glibc                2.2.4-32.x86_64    2.17-324.el7_9.x86_64
true    glibc-common         2.3.4-2.9.x86_64   2.17-324.el7_9.x86_64
true    compat-libstdc++-33  3.2.3-47.3.x86_64  3.2.3-72.el7.x86_64
true    redhat-lsb           4.1-24.el7.x86_64  4.1-27.el7.centos.1.x86_64


  • tmp_ia_sam.txt
<product name="SAM" id="2854093e-1f3b-11b2-a013-eb6ec3979369" upgrade_id="db14898f-1f3a-11b2-a90c-eb6ec3979369" version="" copyright="2019" info_url="VMware Inc" support_url=http://www.vmware.com location="/opt/InCharge" last_modified="2021-11-25 16:10:56">
  • tmp_ia_sam_loc.txt
  • tmp_ia_sam1.txt
  • final_sam_loc.txt
  • sam_loc.txt


If the issue persists post above checklist is verified, please reach out to VMware Support through a service request for further assistance with the same.


One could also allow for the installer to be mapped to a custom directory based on the disk space and the permissions to execute the installation files. 

Users can map the temporary installation files to the directory by performing the below:

  • You will need to create a tmp directory according to your df command results.

    Example: mkdir /data/tmp
  • Run the export command with the desired path.  

    Example: export IATEMPDIR=/data/tmp
  • Run the Smarts installer command as directed in the Installation Guide