LDAP configuration from NetOps Portal remotely not getting passed to the NFA data source correctly.
NFA standalone or distributed associated with NetOps Portal or NPC.
SSO LDAP settings have not propagated down from NetOps Portal/NPC to NFA
Use SsoConfig on the NFA side to configure LDAP (Local Value) to override what NetOps Portal SSO has passed down, see example below:
PS C:\CA\NFA\Portal\SSO\bin> .\SsoConfig.exe
Single Sign-On Configuration Tool
Enter q to quit the program or b to go back to previous menu
SSO Configuration:
1. NetOps Portal
2. CA Network Flow Analysis
Choose an option > 2
SSO Configuration/CA Network Flow Analysis:
1. LDAP Authentication
2. SAML2 Authentication
3. NetOps Portal
4. Single Sign-On
5. Test LDAP
6. Export SAML2 Service Provider Metadata
Choose an option > 1
SSO Configuration/CA Network Flow Analysis/LDAP Authentication:
Connection User:
Connection Password:
Search Domain:
Search String:
Search Scope:
User Bind: Disabled
Account User:
Account User Default Clone:
Status: Enabled
Timeout: 10000
1. Remote Value
2. Local Override
Choose an option > 2
SSO Configuration/CA Network Flow Analysis/LDAP Authentication/Local Override:
1. Connection User:
2. Connection Password:
3. Search Domain:
4. Search String:
5. Search Scope:
6. User Bind:
7. Encryption:
8. Account User:
9. Account User Default Clone:
10. Group:
11. Krb5ConfigFile:
12. Status:
13. Timeout:
Select a Property >q
Select the appropriate options above to configure LDAP on NFA