A VMware SD-WAN Edge Using Release 4.3.0 or Earlier May Unexpectedly Experience an Edge Service Restart
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A VMware SD-WAN Edge Using Release 4.3.0 or Earlier May Unexpectedly Experience an Edge Service Restart


Article ID: 323720


Updated On:


VMware SD-WAN by VeloCloud



VMware SD-WAN Edge Dataplane Service randomly restarts with a disruption of customer traffic due to the restart(s). 


VMware SD-WAN by VeloCloud


When packets are pinned to a decryption thread and then floated to another decryption thread, those packets are rejected by the non-owning thread. In the process of rejecting the packets, the associated Intel® QuickAssist Technology (QAT) cryptographic reference was incorrectly released leading to exceptions in the Edge Dataplane Service and a resulting failure and restart.

This is caused by a race condition (timing related) introduced when a link goes down and then re-establishes repeatedly (also known as link flapping).


Reach out to VMware Support or assistance in solving the issue.

Additional Information


If a Dataplane Service restarts, customer traffic is impacted because the Edge temporarily stops forwarding traffic until the Dataplane Service completes its startup.