Title: Alarm for Cyclic Dependent NSGroups Event ID: group_cyclic_topology_detected_event Added in release: 4.2.0 Alarm Description
Purpose: Group cyclic topology detected event alarm warns the user for cyclic dependent groups which could cause inconsistency in group membership and affects the data path.
Impact: Inconsistency in group membership which could impact data path.
No Maintenance window required for remediation
VMware NSX-T Data Center
Look for Open state Alarm with Event Type "Group Cyclic Topology Detected"
Get the groups name (or ids) involved in cyclic topology
Go to Inventory/Groups and find the NSGroups participating in the cyclic topology.
Remove any relation between cyclic dependent NSGroups to resolve cyclic topology.
API reference: https://{{nsx-api}}/api/v1/alarms?status=OPEN&event_type=group_cyclic_topology_detected_event&feature_name=groups